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'CAN' poate fi folosit:

1.Pentru a exprima o abilitate mentala prezenta sau viitoare:

My sister can speak three foreign languages.

2.Pentru a exprima aspectul continuu al verbelor de perceptie(to hear, to see):

I can hear that noise now.

3.Pentru a exprima permisiunea

Can I borrow your umbrella?

4.Pentru a exprima posibilitatea  in anumite circumstante

If my cousins come to my village, we can swim.

5.Pentru a exprima imposibilitatea. In acest caz 'can' poate fi urmat

de prezent sau de un timp trecut:

Can Jane make such a mistake?

6.Pentru a exprima o cerere politicoasa:

Can we call later?

'COULD' poate fi folosit:

1.Pentru a exprima o abilitate mentala sau fizica trecuta:

When she was young, she could skate very well.

In acest context 'can/could' pot fi inlocuite cu 'to be able to':

We are able to understand him very well.

Dar cand are intelesul de a se descurca, a reusi trebuie folosit

neaparat 'to be able to ':

I am sure that, if you are attentive,you are able to

do such a difficult exercise.

Pentru forma negativa ambele forme pot fi folosite:

I don't know why William could not/was not able to

finish that book.

2.Pentru a exprima prezentul conditional:

You could get there in time if you took a taxi.

3.Pentru a exprima o cerere politicoasa:

Could you show me the way to the railway station?

4.Pentru a exprima ceva disparut, care nu mai este in zilele noastre

Before World War II such cars could often be seen in the streets.

5.Pentru a exprima o posibilitate din trecut ce depindea de

anumite circumstante:

At the seaside we could buy a lot of souvenirs.

6.Pentru a exprima o permisiune trecuta:

As we had all our papers in order, we could pass

through the customs very rapidly.

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