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Exista cateva moduri pentru exprimarea viitorului in engleza, iar

alegerea lor depinde de timpul cand actiunea este planificata.

Asadar actiunile viitoare pot fi exprimate prin:


Forma: shall /will + inf. scurt

(pers I)


'Shall' este folosit pentru persoana I (sg. si plural) iar 'will'

cu persoana a II-a si a III-a, aceasta forma fiind numita Pure Future

care exprima:

a) o predictie despre viitor, un eveniment neutru:

I shall go on an interesting trip next week.

b) o actiune viitoare in propozitia principala a unei conditionale:

I shall read this book if she gives it to me.

In constructiile ce folosesc viitorul ,constructiile cu 'shall' si 'will'

au alte intelesuri. Putem astfel vorbi despre 'Coloured Future',in acest

caz 'shall' si 'will' avand alte intelesuri:


a)determinatie, rezolutie

We shall speak when we think fit.


If you repair this car, you shall have a three days holiday.


As you have not taken care of the book you borrowed,

you shall not have another one!


If Mary has done such a thing,she shall pay dearly for it.

e)previziuni poetice

'..But thy eternal summer shall not die '

(Shakespeare, Sonet XVIII)

f)constructii cu 'shall' pot aparea in propozitiile cu 'that', totodata

si in documente

I have decided that she shall go there at once.



I will pay you as much as you ask for.


I won't make such a mistake again.


That girl under the tree will be his sister.

d)estimarea unei capacitati

This school will hold more than one thousand pupils.

e)ceva de necontestat in viitor

Boys will be boys.

Trebuie facuta o distinctie in constructiile cu sau fara 'will'

in conditionale

If you will help us(=if you want to help us ), we shall

be grateful to you.


Anumite concepte ca capabilitate, posibilitate, necesitate si obligatie

sunt exprimate in engleza prin verbele modale :can, could, shall, should,

will, would, may, might, must, need, used to. Aceste verbe au unele caracteristici


1.unele forme ale verbelor lipsesc:

-nu au infinitiv lung

-nu au forma -ing

-nu au forme pentru toate timpurile, fiind substituite primesc -s la persoana a III-a singular

3.negativul se formeaza cu ajutorul negatiei 'not'

4.interogativul este format prin inversie

5.sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt



'Shall' si 'will' au fost prezentate in capitolul Expressing Future.



1.Pentru a exprima obligatia, sfatul, recomandarea:

She should learn this poem by heart.

Cand should este urmat de Perfect Infinitive, indica faptul ca obligatia

trecuta nu a fost indeplinita:

You should have locked the door before leaving the house.

2.Pentru a exprima surpriza in propozitiile retorice:

Whom should he meet there but his former classmate?

3.Pentru a exprima supozitia:

If he is eight years old, he should be taller than your


4.In propozitiile obiecte directe dupa constructii impersonale:

I suggest that you should be present there.

5.In circumstantiale de scop:

I woke up her early so that she should not miss the train.

6.In propozitii subordonate subiective:

It is important that she should arrive here before now.

7.In conditionale :

If you should meet him there , tell him to ring me up.

8.Pentru a-l omite pe 'if' in conditionale:

You would read that novel if she lent it to you.

9.Dupa verbe ce exprima emotia:

He feels sorry that he should give her such bad news.

10.Dupa 'don't know why','see no reason why','can't think why':

She doesn't know why you should ask her such questions.

11.In vorbirea indirecta pentru a construi Future-in-the-Past:

I explained to Lucy that I should go on an interesting

trip in July.


Forma: Verb (-s)

inf. (pers III-a)


1. Pentru a exprima un adevar general valabil sau pentru

exprimarea unor afirmatii de valabilitate generala:

Ice melts in the sun.

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

2.Pentru a exprima o actiune repetata. Astfel de actiuni sunt

insotite de adverbe ca: every, never, occasionally, often, sometimes

seldom, twice a week, usually,etc.:

We go to school every morning. (repeated)

Father smokes too much. (habitual)

Jane works in a big factory. (permanent)

3.Pentru a introduce citate :

Shakespeare says:

'Not marble,nor the guilded monuments

Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme.'

4.Citeodata pentru a relata sumarul unei povestiri:

I went into the dark room and ,suddenly, I hear

strange noise.

5.In demonstratii pas cu pas:

First, I take the potatoes and slice them.

Then, I slice the tomatoes, fry the onion .

6.In comentarii sportive , in acest caz Simple Present

referindu-se la actiuni rapide:

The goal-keeper passes to Maradona, but

Hagi intercepts.

7.Pentru a exprima o actiune oficiala planificata sau

o actiune apartinind unui program stabilit:

The championship starts next Saturday.

The tourists visit the British Museum on

Friday morning.

8.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare

a)intr-o conditionala:

If your cousin comes here tomorrow,we'll

go to the cinema.

b)intr-o temporala a carei actiuni este simultana

cu o alta actiune viitoare:

Tom will like English grammar when he understands it.

9.In proverbe, zicatori:

Despair gives courage to a coward.

10.In anumite contexte , in special in enunturi interogative , sugerand o

nuanta modala:

Why do you move so slowly?

11.In enunturi exclamative care incep cu here sau there:

Here they come!

12.Impreuna cu verbul 'to continue' sau verbele 'to go on', 'to keep on' etc.

deoarece contin ele insele ideea de continuitate si de aceea nu este

necesar sa se foloseasca un aspect continuu:

The children continue to write.

The pupils go on reading.

Dar cind verbul' to go' are intelesul 'to happen' aspectul continuu trebuie


What is going there?



Aceasta constructie este folosita pentru a exprima ceva ce se va intfmpla

in viitorul apropiat:

Our guests are about to leave.

I am about to go to the seaside.



Aceasta exprimare a viitorului are anumite intelesuri:

1.ceva ce trebuie sa se intample:

The famous tennis player began the match in which

he was to break his arm.

2.un plan oficial sau un aranjament:

The president was to arrive at 10 o'clock.

3.dorinta unei persoane, dar nu a cea vorbitorului:

This bad news is to be given to him after his exam.


What exercise are we to do?

5.posibilitatea, probabilitatea:

Prices are to be much higher soon.

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