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'May' poate fi folosit:

1.Pentru a exprima o permisiune formala:

May I open this window ?

Cu acest inteles may poate fi inlocuit cu allowed to:

You may go to the cinema this week, you were allowed

to go to the cinema last week, and you will be allowed

to go there next week, too.

2.Pentru a exprima posibilitatea:

You may know her.

In acest caz may poate fi inlocuit cu is possible/perhaps:

It is possible for you to know her.

Maybe you know her.

Cand may este urmat de infinitivul continuu exprima posibilitatea unei

actiuni care este in desfasurare:

Mother may be sleeping now.

May urmat de infinitivul perfect exprima posibilitatea unei actiuni

petrecute in trecut:

The little girl may have lost the key.

3.Pentru a exprima interdictia:

Candidates may not bring dictionares into the examination room.

4.Pentru a exprima indoiala:

Who may that old man be ?

5.Pentru a exprima speranta

May all your dreams come true!

6.In subordonate

However difficult these exercises may be, you must do them all.

7.In subordonatele obiecte dupa verbele to hope, to trust

She hopes that you may find tickets for this performance.

8.In subordonatele circumstantiale de scop:

Speak louder so that all of us may hear you.

'Might'poate fi folosit:

1.Pentru a exprima permisia din trecut:

I understood then that he might go out of the room

whenever he wanted.

2.Pentru a exprima o posibilitate prezenta/viitoare/trecuta:

Your cousin might be in the garden now.

Might urmat de Continuous Infinitive exprima posibilitatea de a continua

Your sister might still be sleeping.

Cand might este urmat de Perfect Infinitive, exprima o posibilitate


Our neighbours might have heard some noises when our car

was stolen.

3.Pentru a exprima Present Conditional:

If you speak English, you might get that job.

4.Pentru a exprima o cerere insistenta:

You might go there at once.

5.Pentru a exprima iritatia, indignarea:

You might look at me when I am talking to you!

6.In subordonate obiecte directe dupa verbele to hope, to trust:

They hoped that I might give them some good advice.

7.In subordonate circumstantiale de scop:

Peter finished his composition in the morning so that he

might be free in the afternoon.

8.Pentru a exprima nesiguranta:

I wonder who that tall boy might be.

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