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1. Pronumele personale

pers. I sg.-I(me) ; plural-We(us);

pers. II sg.-You; plural-You;

pers. III sg.-He(him) -pentru persoane de genul masculin;

-She(her) -pentru persoane de genul feminin;

-It(it) -pentru lucruri,animale etc.

plural -They(them);

Obs. Formele din paranteze sfnt pentru genitiv;

2. Pronume nehotarate

nobody - anybody; everybody - everything; anyone - somebody;

other - another; someyhing - anything; nothing ;

all - both; either - neither; each;

much - many; more - most; little - A little;

few - A few; enough - several;

3. Pronume demonstrative

a)de apropiere : this - these;

b)de departare : that - those;

c)de identitate : the same - the other(s);

Particularitati :

-pronumele so : - You say that she is a good pianist but I don't thinck so;

-pronumele such; - Such is the present situation.

-pronumele suchlike : - I don't like books about love,romance & suchlike.

4. Pronume posesive

pers. I sg. -mine ; plural -ours;

II sg.(plural) -yours;

III sg. -his; plural -theirs;


5. Pronumele reflexiv

pers. I sg.-myself; plural-ourselves;

II -yourself -yourselves;

III -himself -themselves;



6. Pronumele reciproce

each other - one another gifts

Exemplu : We kissed one another.

7. Pronumele relative

who, whom, whose, whoever, which, whichever, that, what si ocasional

as, but;

8. Pronumele interogative

who, whom, whose, what, which.

Exemple : Who has broken this vase ?

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