The Past perfect poate fi folosit pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare,
de Future-in-the-Past:
My friend explained to his parents that he would go on
a trip abroad after he had passed his exams.
cu o alta actiune exprimata de Future-in-the-Past:
I was sure they would like this book when they understood it.
In conformitate cu felul in care se formeaza * PAST TENSE * si
* PAST PARTICIPLE *, verbele in limba engleza se impart in regulate
si neregulate.
Verbele sunt in general verbe care formeaza * PAST TENSE * si
* PAST PARTICIPLE * adaugand sufixul '-ed' la infinitivele lor simple.
'TO HAVE' : 'had'
'TO BE' : 'was'/'were'
'TO DO' : 'did'
'TO PLAY'/'TO GO' :'played'/'went'
.Pentru a exprima o stare sau o actine terminata in totalitate la un anu-
mit moment sau in timpul unei anumite perioade in trecut. De fapt,
* SIMPLE PAST TENSE * este un timp narativ. In acest caz, un adverb de
timp cum ar fi 'as when', 'then', 'yesterday', 'last week', 'on Sunday',
'once', 'ago' apare in propozitii:
Yesterday I met my old friend Jack.
When did the train arrive ?
unui raspuns in * PRESENT PERFECT *:
Where has Tim been ?
He has been to the cinema.
What film did he see ?
Cu toate ca timpul actiunii din ultima propozitie nu se precizeaza,
se intelege ca actiunea s-a terminat deja.
(2)Unele nume proprii, din motive date de intelesurile lor bine
definite, pot produce conditii pentru * PAST TENSE *:
Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays.
2.Pentru a exprima un obicei din trecut sau o actiune repetata din trecut
Grandmother drank three cups of tea today.
Obs:(1)In acest caz 'used to' sau 'would' pot fi incluse:
We went to the theatre every Friday evening.
3.In vorbirea indirecta pentru a exprima un * PRESENT TENSE * din vorbirea
'We live in a big house', the girl said.
The girl said they lived in a big house.
4.Pentru a introduce vorbele cuiva in vorbirea directa:
'Where are the children ?' mother asked.
5.In propozitii conditionale, pentru a exprima un * PRESENT CONDITIONAL
My friend would helpme if she were here.
6.Dupa verbul 'wish' ori dupa 'as if/as though', 'if only', 'would
rather'(cand subiectele sunt diferite), 'it's (high) time':
I wish I were on holiday now.
He is speaking as if he knew everything about the accident.
It's (high) time my son learnt English, too.
* PAST TENSE * daca subiectele sunt, dupa cum am aratat, diferite:
Our neighbours would rather we didn't make
so much noise in the afternoon.
(2)Dar daca doua subiecte nu sunt diferite, trebuie folosit
infinitivul scurt:
Paul would rather stay here now than go there.
Trebuie facuta mentiunea ca in cazurile 5. si 6. forma de * PAST TENSE*
a verbelor nu este folosita propriu-zis, ci mai degraba sub forma de
supozitie, exprimand dorinta. Ele sunt subjunctive.
7.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare, intr-o propozitie conditionala,care
este simultana cu o alta actiune exprimata de * FUTURE IN THE PAST *:
He promised me that he would tell me the truth when he knew it.
Traducerea in limba Romana a timpului * PAST TENSE SIMPLE *
Poate fi tradus ca:
1.Perfect simplu; Perfect compus
3.Conjunctiv perfect
4.Conditional prezent
1.Pentru a exprima o actiune planificata, un aranjament:
We are visiting our neighbours tomorrow.
2.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare cu verbe de miscare
My cousin is leaving in the afternoon.
a luat loc, ci in rezultatul ei din present:
I have visited an interesting museum.
2.Cand actiunea trecuta continua in present si, probabil, va continua
si in viitor:
Many pupils have learnt in this school.
3.Pentru a exprima activitati completate in trecutul apropiat.
In acest caz, verbul este, in general, insotit de 'just', 'lately',
'so far', 'up to the present':
The train has just left.
Obs: A nu se confunda sensul lui 'just' din acest exemplu cu sensul
'barely', 'nearly'= 'doar':
Mike just wanted to help us.
4.Cu cuvinte ce denota o perioada incompleta de timp: 'today',
'this week', 'all day':
Last week we wrote three letters, but this week
we have written only one.
5.'How long' cere * PRESENT PERFECT * cand este cuplata cu o perioada
de timp ce se extinde in prezent:
How long have you been ill ?
Obs: Atunci cand se refera doar la o perioada trecuta, insa, trebuie
folosite * PAST TENSE * sau * PAST PERFECT *:
How long did you stay in London ?
How long had you known him when he died ?
6.Cu adverbe de timp indefinite sau care exprima frecventa: 'ever',
'never', 'seldom':
We have never visited New York.
Obs: (1)In acest caz 'ever' si 'never' inseamna 'la orice( nici un)
moment in prezent. Dar cand 'ever' inseamna 'la orice moment
in timpul unei perioade in totalitate din trecut' sau'la orice
moment in viitor' poate fi folosit si la alte timpuri:
Did you ever meet his sister ?
(2)Cand 'always' acopera o perioada de timp bine determinata,
* PAST TENSE * se cere a fi utilizat:
She always loved him.
(3)'Ever' mai poate fi un adverb intensiv de genul 'whatever'
sau 'at all'= 'orice', 'deloc'. In aceste circumstante trebuie
utilizat * PAST TENSE *:
Nobody ever helped him.
(4)Intrebarile retorice referitoare la trecut contin in majori-
tatea cazurilor 'ever':
Did you ever see a more beautiful landscape ?
interogative cu specificarea: cat timp 'yet' indica, ca intrebarea ar
trebui sa afle daca actiunea s-a terminat sau nu, 'already' arata ca
suntem surprinsi ca actiunea s-a terminat:
Tom usually gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.
It's 6.30 in the morning. Mother enters into room
and asks:
Have you got up allready ?
Obs: (1)'Already' mai poate aparea si in propozitii afirmative:
The student has already translated the lesson.
(2)In propozitii negative 'yet' are intelesul de (nu) inca:
Albert has not learnt the poem yet.
8.Cu 'since' si 'for'.'Since' denota inceputul unei perioade de timp
care se extinde si in prezent. Este tradusa in limba romana prin
'din', 'de la', 'de cand':
They have not seen Alice since 1989/ Christmas/ she went to London.
Obs: (1)Cand actiunea propozitiei temporalei introdusa de 'since' este
paralela cu cea exprimata de * PRESENT PERFECT *,
*PRESENT PERFECT * apare in temporala, de asemenea:
I have known Maggie since she has been working in our factory.
(2)'For' se refera la o perioada de timp care se continua in
prezent. Intelesul sau este de 'atatatimp'. * PRESENT
PERFECT * intr-o propozitie ce contine 'for' poate fi tradusa
in limba romana chiar la timpul PREZENT * PRESENT *:
These boys have been here for half an hour.
My neighbour has not repaired the roof of his house for a long time.
(3)Cand 'for' se refera la o perioada terminata de timp, verbul
trebuie sa se afle la * PAST TENSE *:
My uncle lived in London for five years and then he moved to Paris.
9.Pentru actiuni trecute al caror timp nu este mentionat:
Has Peter had lunch ?
10.In ziare si la radio pentru a introduce o actiune care va fi descrisa
in * SIMPLE PAST TENSE * Timpul in a doua propozitie este mentionat
A terrible accident has happened; a car ran into a group
of children and killed three of them.
prioritara fata de o alta actiune reprezentata de un timp viitor.
* PRESENT PERFECT * este de obicei in acest context de: 'after',
'as soon as', 'by the time (that)':
I shall ring you up as soon as/ after mother has come back.
12.In propozitii conditionale
Little Paul will come here at once if Grannie has made a cake.
13.Pentru a descrie o actiune trecuta care are consecinte in prezent
Jane has not eaten anything and so she is hungry now.
verb 'to be' +verb conj.+ -ing
1.Pentru a exprima o actiune care a inceput inainte de momentul vorbirii
dar care este in progres in momentul actual si care se va termina in viitor
'The sun is shining in the sky now.'
Adverbele 'just' si 'now' nu sunt mentionate cind se subinteleg:
'Look,the children are sleeping!'
2.Pentru a exprima o actiune temporara
'We usually go to work by bus,but today we are going by cab.'
3.Pentru a exprima un aranjament definit in viitorul apropiat:
'What are you doing tomorrow?'
Timpul actiunii trebuie dat in acest caz pentru a nu crea confuzii.
4.Pentru a exprima viitorul in special cu verbe de miscare: 'to come',
'to arrive', 'to go':
'Our friends are arriving tomorrow.'
5.Pentru a exprima o activitate repetata care irita.
In acest caz se folosesc adverbele:'always','constantly','forever':
'Why are the children being so noisy today ?'
In folosirea verbelor care exprima sentimente ('to feel','to hurt') si
constructia 'to look forward' nu este o mare diferenta intre Present Simple
si Present Continuous:
' How do you feel /How are you feeling today?'
6.Citeodata ,in subordonatele cauzale si temporale:
'The boy will play in the park while is mother is making a cake.'
7.Impreuna cu verbele 'to get' si 'to grow' pentru a exprima o tranzitie
de la o stare la alta:
'It is getting dark.'
1.Verbe de perceptie:to feel,to hear,to see.
I feel strange.
Cand exprima ideea de continuitate trebuie folosit verbul aux. can/could:
I can see the play now.
Citeodata verbele: to smell,to taste, to feel pot fi gasite in aspectul
continuu cand implica o actiune voluntara din partea subiectului:
The cat is smelling the bush now.
Cand verbele de perceptie sunt folosite cu sensuri diferite de sensurile
lor 'primare' ele pot fi folosite in aspectul continuu.
2.Verbe care exprima activitati mentale:to agree, to believe, to find:
She knows what you mean.
Dar unele din aceste verbe pot aparea in aspectul continuu:
I'm forgetting figures.
3.Verbe care exprima dorinta:to want,to wish,to desire:
I want that book now.
4. Verbe care exprima atitudini,sentimente,stari emotionale:to detest,
to love,to hate, to like:
I think she loves you very much now.
5.Verbe care exprima posesia:to belong,to have,to keep,to hold:
How many friends have you(got) here?
constructii diferite:
Jane is having breakfast.
6.Verbe care exprima o stare, o conditie:to be,to contain, to deserve.
Verbul 'to be' poate aparea in aspectul continuu:
a)in constructii pasive
b)pentru a sugera c† subiectul prezint† temporar anumite calitƒti
c)pentru a exprima reprosul
d)pentru a exprima un comportament temporar cu adjective ca:
7.Verbe diverse:to compare, to expect,to matter:
I expect(suppose) you know him.
I'm expecting(waiting for) an imkportant guest now.
8.Verbe modale
1.In conditionale:
She will catch the train if she takes a taxi.
2.In temporale
You will like the picture when you see it.
3.Ca parte a unui program oficial
Our plane leaves at 10 o'clock, so the tourists arrive
in London at about 3 o'clock p.m.
Forma: vb. to have + been + vb.conj + -ing
(present) (inf.scurt)
.In timp ce Present Perfect Simple arata faptul ca atentia este focalizata
pe repetitia unei actiuni , Present Perfect Continuous exprima durata,
continuitatea actiunii in prezent:
Mother has wantered the flowers.
2.Present Perfect Continuous este gasit si in subordonatele temporale,
in acel moment:
While Nick has been watering Judith, she has been drinking
her glass of milk.
3.Deoarece Present Perfect Continuous descrie o actiune care aprent
de cate ori am facut anumite lucruri:
I've been drinking tea since 5 o'clock.
I've drunk three cups of tea since 5 o'clock.
Present Perfect Continuous ambele forme fiind corecte:
Jack has lived in this house for two years.
Jack has been living in this house for two years.
Dar acest lucru nu este posibil cu acele verbe care nu sunt folosite
in aspectul continuu,utilizandu-se in acest caz numai Present
Perfect Simple:
I have known Jim for five years.
Acest timp este folosit pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare, intr-o
temporala, care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni viitoare:
The children will play in the garden after they have
finished their homework.
(present) (past tense)
O actiune prioritara in momentul vorbirii poate fi exprimata atat
cu Past Tense cat si cu Present Perfect. Dar spre diferenta de
Past Tense , Present Perfect face legatura cu presentul. Deci
cand avem Past Tense actiunea este terminata in trecut.
Asadar Present Perfect este folosit in urmatoarele cazuri:
1.Cand nu suntem interesati de timpul cand actiunea trecuta a
avut loc, ci numai de rezultatul din prezent:
I have visited an interesting museum.
(I still remember the things seen there)
2.Cand actiunea trecuta continua in prezent si probabil va
continua si in viitor
Many pupils have learnt in this school .
se folosesc adverbele just,recently, latterly :
The train has just left.
Nu trebuie confundata folosirea adverbului 'just' cu cea a aceluiasi
adverb cand are intelesul de aproape deoarece in acest caz el poate
aparea cu alte timpuri:
Mike just wanted to help us.
4.Impreuna cu anumite cuvinte care definesc o perioada neexacta de timp
today, this week, all day, all night, this morning:
Last week we wrote three letters, but this week we have
written only one.
completa de timp:
I have seen a good film this morning.(We are before 12
o'clock at noon)
I saw a good film this morning.(We are in the afternoon
or in the evening)
5.Cand ne referim la o perioada de timp care se prelungeste in prezent:
How long have you been ill ?(You are still ill)
Dar cand se refera la o perioada trecuta de timp, trebuie folosit
Past Tense sau Past Perfect:
How long did you stay in London last year ?
6.Cu adverbe de timp nedefinite:ever, never, often, seldom, always:
We have never visited New York.
Dar cand 'ever' se refera la o perioada de timp din trecut sau din
viitor atunci poate aparea in alte timpuri:
Did you ever meet his sister ?
Cand 'always' se refera la o anumita perioada din trecut, trebuie
folosit Past Tense:
She always loved him.(as long as he lived)
'Ever ' poate avea intelesul si de vreodata si atunci trebuie folosit
Past Tense:
Nobody ever helped David Copperfield when he worked in London.
7.Impreuna cu adverbele 'already' si 'yet' .Amandoua pot aparea in
propozitii interogative dar cu intelesuri diferite.'Already' indica
ca suntem surprinsi de faptul ca actiunea s-a terminat,pe cand 'yet'
indica faptul ca intrebarea trebuie pusa indiferent de rezultatul ei:
Tom usually gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.
a)It is 7 o'clock.Mother gets into Tom's bedroom and
Have you got up yet ?
b)It is 6.30 in the morning.Mother sees that that the light
is on in Tom's bedroom.She open the door and asks him:
Have you got up already?
'Already'poate aparea in propozitii afirmative:
The student has already translated the lesson.
In propozitii negative 'yet' are intelesul de nu inca:
Albert has not learnt the poem yet.
8.Impreuna cu since si for :
'Since' denota inceputul unei perioade de timp care se extinde pana
in prezent:
They have not seen Alice since 1989.
intelesul de atata..timp:
These boys have been here for half an hour.
Cand 'for' se refera la o perioada de timp trecuta, verbul trebuie pus la
Past Tense:
My uncle lived in London for five years and then he moved
to Paris.
9.Pentru actiuni trecute ale caror timp nu este specificat
Has Peter had lunch ?
10.In ziare pentru a introduce o actiune care va fi descrisa in Past Tense:
A terrible accident has happened ;a car ran into a
group of children and killed three of them.
11.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare intr-o temporala prioritara fata
de alta. Este insotit in context cu 'after','when','as soon as':
I shall ring you up as soon as mother has come back.
12.In conditionale:
Little Paul will come here at once if Grannie has made
a cake.
13.Pentru a descrie o actiune trecuta care are consecinte in prezent:
Jane has not eaten anything and so she is hungry now.
Forma: pers. + vb.'HAVE' + vb. de conj.-forma a-3-a
a luat loc, ci in rezultatul ei din prezent:
I have visited an interesting museum.
2.Cand actiunea trecuta continua in prezent si, probabil, va continua
si in viitor:
Many pupils have learnt in this school.
3.Pentru a exprima activitati completate in trecutul apropiat.
In acest caz, verbul este, in general, insotit de 'just', 'lately',
'so far', 'up to the prezent':
The train has just left.
Obs: A nu se confunda sensul lui 'just' din acest exemplu cu sensul
'barely', 'nearly'= 'doar':
Mike just wanted to help us.
4.Cu cuvinte ce denota o perioada incompleta de timp: 'today',
'this week', 'all day':
Last week we wrote three letters, but this week
we have written only one.
5.'How long' cere * PRESENT PERFECT * cand este cuplata cu o perioada
de timp ce se extinde in prezent:
How long have you been ill ?
Obs: Atunci cand se refera doar la o perioada trecuta, insa trebuie
folosite * PAST TENSE * sau * PAST PERFECT *:
How long did you stay in London ?
How long had you known him when he died ?
6.Cu adverbe de timp indefinite sau care exprima frecventa: 'ever',
'never', 'seldom':
We have never visited New York.
Obs: (1)In acest caz 'ever' si 'never' inseamna 'la orice( nici un)
moment in prezent. Dar cand 'ever' inseamna 'la orice moment
in timpul unei perioade in totalitate din trecut' sau'la orice
moment in viitor' poate fi folosit si la alte timpuri:
Did you ever meet his sister ?
(2)Cand 'always' acopera o perioada de timp bine determinata,
* PAST TENSE * se cere a fi utilizat:
She always loved him.
(3)'Ever' mai poate fi un adverb intensiv de genul 'whatever'
sau 'at all'= 'orice', 'deloc'. In aceste circumstante trebuie
utilizat * PAST TENSE *:
Nobody ever helped him.
(4)Intrebarile retorice referitoare la trecut contin in majori-
tatea cazurilor 'ever':
Did you ever see a more beautiful landscape ?
7.Cu adverbele 'already' si 'yet'.Amandoua pot aparea in propozitii
interogative cu specificarea: cat timp 'yet' indica, ca intrebarea ar
trebui sa afle daca actiunea s-a terminat sau nu, 'already' arata ca
suntem surprinsi ca actiunea s-a terminat:
Tom usually gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.
It's 6.30 in the morning. Mother enters into room
and asks:
Have you got up allready ?
Obs: (1)'Already' mai poate aparea si in propozitii afirmative:
The student has already translated the lesson.
(2)In propozitii negative 'yet' are intelesul de (nu) inca:
Albert has not learnt the poem yet.
care se extinde si in prezent. Este tradusa in limba romana prin
'din', 'de la', 'de cand':
They have not seen Alice since 1989/ Christmas/ she went to London
Forma: verb'to be' + verb conj + -ing
(past tense) (prezent)
1.Pentru a exprima o actiune in progres la un moment determinat
din trecut:
I remeber that at 8 o'clock my brother was watching TV.
2.Pentru a indica ca o actiune era in desfasurare(ca fundal)
la un moment de timp cand altceva mult mai important avea loc :
While Mary was crossing the road yesterday,
she saw a flying saucer in the sky.
3.Pentru a arata ca doua sau mai multe actiuni erau in desfasurare
in acelasi moment in trecut:
While mother was cooking,father was reading a
newspaperand the kittens were playing on the carpet.
din vorbirea indirecta:
'My doll is sleeping now,' little Kate explained.
Little Kate expalined that her doll was sleeping then.
5.Pentru a exprima un aranjament viitor vazut dintr-un moment din trecut:
Our neighbours did not come to our place that evning
because they were taking the night train to London.
6.Impreuna cu adverbul 'always' pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta care
deranja pe vorbitor:
The two pupils were always laughing during my classes.
7.In conditionale, pentru a exprima prezentul conditional in desfasurare:
What would you say if the boys were sleeping now?
Forma: vb.aux 'have' + vb. de conjugat
(second form) (third form)
1.Pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta care a avut loc inainte de un
moment din trecut sau inantea unei alte actiuni din trecut. De fapt este
echivalentul trecut al lui * PRESENT PERFECT *:
The boy explained that he had seen somebody in the garden.
2.Pentru a exprima durata pana intr-un moment din prezent:
By the time the rain started, we had dug the whole garden.
3.Cu 'just', 'already', 'hardly/barely' si 'no sooner', pentru a arata
ca actiunea trecuta era terminata putin timp inaintea unei alte actiuni
din trecut:
Mary told us that her brother had just left.
Hardly/scarcely had he entered the room
when somebody knocked at the door.
4.Cu 'since' si 'for' cand punctul de referinta este trecut:
In 1980 I had been a teacher for ten years.
5.In vorbirea indirecta, pentru a exprima un timp la * PAST TENSE * sau
la * PRESENT PERFECT * din vorbirea indirecta:
'I saw this film last week', Nick said.
Nick said he had seen that film a week before.
6.Pentru a exprima un verb la * PAST CONDITIONAL * intr-o propozitie
conditionala :
I would given her the book if I had met her.
7.Pentru a exprima o dorinta neimplinita:
I wish (wished) I had not missed the train.
8.Dupa 'had/would rather' (cand subiectele sunt diferite) ori dupa
'as if/as though':
Yesterday I'd rather you had stayed here than gone there.
9.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare care ia loc inaintea unei alte
actiuni exprimate de * FUTURE IN THE PAST *:
I told my friend that I would lend him the book after I had read it.
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