HABITATELE DIN ROMANIA - Modificari conform amendamentelor propuse de Romania si Bulgaria la Directiva Habitate (92/43/EEC)
Ca urmare a amendamentelor propuse de Romania si Bulgaria la Directiva Habitate (92/43/EEC) si acceptate de catre Comisia Europeana, a recomandarilor Habitats Scientific Working Group (European Commission, DG Environment) si a discutiilor cu specialistii romani, au intervenit unele modificari in ceea ce priveste corelatia intre diferitele sisteme de clasificare a habitatelor, prezentate in lucrarea Habitatele din Romania (2005).
Modificarile survenite se refera la echivalarea tipurilor de habitate descrise in lucrare cu cele din alte sisteme de clasificare, asa cum apar in casetele de "Corespondenta" din descrierea fiecarui habitat si in Anexele 2 si 3.
Mentionam ca mai exista unele habitate pentru care nu s-a beneficiat de o informatie corespunzatoare pentru a fi descrise in lucrarea Habitatele din Romania (2005) si care, in baza unor cercetari mai detaliate in teren, pot sa fie echivalate unor coduri din Directiva Habitate (92/43/EEC), in versiunea EUR 27 a manualului de interpretare care este in curs de finalizare.
Modificari in casetele de "Corespondenta"
Pagina |
Codul habitatului |
In loc de: |
Se inlocuieste cu: |
32 |
R1201 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 12 Sea inlets and costal features |
NATURA 2000: 1240 Vegetated sea cliffs of the Mediterranean coasts with endemic Limonium spp. PAL.HAB: 18.22213 Western Pontic low cliff communities |
33 |
R1501 |
PAL.HAB: 15.55 Mediterranean salt marsh grass swards |
PAL.HAB: 15.51 Mediterranean tall rush saltmarshes |
34 |
R1502 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
34 |
R1503 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
35 |
R1504 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
36 |
R1505 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
36 |
R1506 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
36 |
R1507 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
38 |
R1508 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
39 |
R1509 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
39 |
R1510 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
40 |
R1511 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand |
41 |
R1512 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
41 |
R1513 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
42 |
R1514 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
43 |
R1515 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand |
43 |
R1516 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
44 |
R1517 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
46 |
R1519 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
47 |
R1520 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
48 |
R1521 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
48 |
R1522 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
49 |
R1523 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
49 |
R1524 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
50 |
R1525 |
NATURA 2000: 1340 * Inland salt meadows |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
51 |
R1526 |
NATURA 2000: 1340 * Inland salt meadows |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
52 |
R1527 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand |
52 |
R1528 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand |
53 |
R1529 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
55 |
R1532 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 1530 * Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes |
58 |
R1603 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2130 *Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) (modificarea nu mai este valabila in cazul acceptarii unui nou tip de habitat corespunzator codului PAL. HAB. 16.22B Pontic fixed dunes). |
59 |
R1604 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2130 *Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) (modificarea nu mai este valabila in cazul acceptarii unui nou tip de habitat corespunzator codului PAL. HAB. 16.22B Pontic fixed dunes). |
60 |
R1605 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 16.1232 Pontic sand beach annual communities |
NATURA 2000: 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes PAL.HAB: 16.2113 Pontic embryonic dunes |
61 |
R1606 |
CORINE: 16.25 Dune thichets PAL.HAB: 16.25 Dune thichets |
CORINE: 16.34 Dune-slack grasslands PAL.HAB: 16.34 Dune-slack grasslands and heaths |
62 |
R1607 |
PAL.HAB: 16.22B1 Western Pontic fixed dunes EUNIS: B1.4B1 Western Pontic fixed dunes |
PAL.HAB: 37.4 Mediterranean tall humid grasslands EUNIS: - |
62 |
R1608 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) |
63 |
R1609 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2130 *Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) (modificarea nu mai este valabila in cazul acceptarii unui nou tip de habitat corespunzator codului PAL. HAB. 16.22B Pontic fixed dunes). |
64 |
R1610 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2130 *Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) (modificarea nu mai este valabila in cazul acceptarii unui nou tip de habitat corespunzator codului PAL. HAB. 16.22B Pontic fixed dunes). |
64 |
R1611 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 16.12334 Pontic sand beach Petasites communities |
NATURA 2000: 1210 Annual vegetation of drift lines PAL.HAB: 16.1233 Pontic sand beach perennial communities; 16.12334 Pontic sand beach Petasites communities |
68 |
R2204 |
PAL.HAB: 22.35 Central Eurasian amphibious communities |
PAL.HAB: 22.13 Eutrophic waterbodies |
77 |
R2301 |
PAL.HAB: - |
PAL.HAB: 23.113 Ponto-Pannonic salt lakes; 11.4122 Pontic marine tasselweed communities |
84 |
R3106 |
NATURA 2000:- PAL.HAB: 31.562 Sphagnetum mountain pine scrub |
NATURA 2000: 91D0 * Bog woodland PAL.HAB: 44.A3 Mountain pine bog woods |
89 |
R3110 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 4080 Sub-Arctic Salix spp. scrub |
92 |
R3113 |
PAL.HAB: 31.8B131 Peri-Pannonic hawthorn-blackthorn scrub |
PAL.HAB: 31.872 Shrubby clearings |
93 |
R3114 |
PAL.HAB: - |
PAL.HAB: 31.872 Shrubby clearings |
94 |
R3115 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 4060 Alpine and Boreal heaths |
95 |
R3116 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
96 |
R3118 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
99 |
R3120 |
PAL.HAB: 31.8B131 Peri-Pannonic hawthorn-blackthorn scrub |
PAL.HAB: 31.872 Shrubby clearings |
102 |
R3123 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
103 |
R3124 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
104 |
R3125 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
105 |
R3126 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
106 |
R3127 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0* Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
107 |
R3128 |
NATURA 2000: - CORINE: 31.8B3 Greek sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets PAL.HAB: 31.8B33 Moesian Christ's thorn brush; 31.8B732 Thracian christ's thorn scrub |
NATURA 2000:40C0* Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets (p.) 40D0 Ponto-Sarmatic wooded steppes (p.) CORINE: 31.8B South-eastern sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets (schibljak) PAL.HAB: 93.2 Ponto-Sarmatic wooded steppes; 31.8B732 Thracian christ's thorn scrub |
107 |
R3129 |
NATURA 2000: - CORINE: 31.8B3 Greek sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets PAL.HAB: 31.8B3 Balkano-Hellenic deciduous thickets; 31.8B731 Western Pontic jasmine christ's thorn scrub |
NATURA 2000: 40C0* Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets (p.) 40D0 Ponto-Sarmatic wooded steppes (p.) CORINE: 31.8B South-eastern sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets (schibljak) PAL.HAB: 93.2 Ponto-Sarmatic wooded steppes; 31.8B731 Western Pontic jasmine christ's thorn scrub |
110 |
R3132 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40C0 Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets |
111 |
R3133 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40C0 Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets |
117 |
R3406 |
NATURA 2000: - EMERALD: 34.9 Continental steppes |
NATURA 2000: 6290* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes EMERALD: - |
118 |
R3407 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6290* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes |
118 |
R3408 |
EMERALD: 34.9 Continental steppes |
119 |
R3409 |
NATURA 2000: 62C0* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes EMERALD: 34.9 Continental steppes |
NATURA 2000: 6290* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes EMERALD: - |
120 |
R3410 |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
NATURA 2000: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grassland |
121 |
R3411 |
NATURA 2000: - CORINE: 34.5 Mediterranian seric grasslands |
NATURA 2000: 62A0 Eastern sub-mediteranean dry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae) CORINE: - |
122 |
R3412 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6190 Rupicolous pannonic grasslands (Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis) |
123 |
R3413 |
NATURA 2000: 6240 * Sub-pannonic steppic grasslands |
NATURA 2000: 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) ( * important orchid sites) |
123 |
R3414 |
NATURA 2000: 6240 * Sub-pannonic steppic grasslands PAL.HAB: 34.9211 Western Pontic thyme steppes |
NATURA 2000: 6250* Pannonic loess steppic grasslands PAL.HAB: 34.911 Pannonic loess steppes |
127 |
R3418 |
PAL.HAB: 34.911 Pannonic loess steppes; 34.9211 Western Pontic thyme steppes |
PAL.HAB: 34.911 Pannonic loess steppes |
128 |
R3419 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6290* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes |
128 |
R3420 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6290* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes |
129 |
R3421 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6290* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes |
131 |
R3501 |
NATURA 2000: 6190 Rupicolous pannonic grasslands (Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis) CORINE: 34.5 Mediterranian seric grasslands |
NATURA 2000: 62A0 Eastern sub-mediteranean dry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae) CORINE:- |
132 |
R3502 |
NATURA 2000: 8230 Siliceous rock with pioneer vegetation of the Sedo-Scleranthion or of the Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii |
NATURA 2000: 6110 * Rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands of the Alysso-Sedion albi |
132 |
R3503 |
PAL. HAB: 34.1 Middle European pioneer swards |
PAL.HAB: 62.424 Nemoral low altitude siliceous cliffs |
135 |
R3602 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
138 |
R3604 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
146 |
R3610 |
CORINE: 36.31 Alpic mat-grass swards and related communities PAL. HAB: 36.3172 Eastern Carpathian mat-grass swards EUNIS: E4.31 Alpic Nardus stricta swards and related communities |
150 |
R3613 |
NATURA 2000: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands |
NATURA 2000: 6430 Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels |
151 |
R3614 |
NATURA 2000: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands |
NATURA 2000: 6190 Rupicolous pannonic grasslands (Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis) |
151 |
R3615 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
152 |
R3616 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands |
156 |
R3618 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands |
156 |
R3619 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands |
165 |
R3708 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6430 Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels |
172 |
R3716 |
NATURA 2000: 6510 Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis |
NATURA 2000: 6440 Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii |
174 |
R3801 |
EMERALD: !38.25 Continental meadows PAL.HAB: 38.2333 Eastern Carpathian yellow oatgrass meadows EUNIS: E2.2333 Eastern Carpathian yellow oatgrass meadows |
EMERALD: - PAL.HAB: 38.3 Mountain hay meadows EUNIS:- |
175 |
R3803 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6510 Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis |
176 |
R3804 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6510 Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis |
177 |
R4101 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1123 Dacian neutrophile beech fir forests |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D212 Dacian Pulmonaria rubra fir-beech forests |
178 |
R4102 |
PAL.HAB: 42.1323 Dacian acidophile beech-fir forest |
PAL.HAB: 42.1323 Dacian acidophile beech-fir forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9110 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1121 Hercyno-Alpine montane woodrush beech forests, care se refera in special la Vestul si Centrul Europei) |
182 |
R4105 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D54 South Carpathian Festuca drymeia beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D54 South Carpathian Festuca drymeia beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9110 ii corespunde PAL.HAB: 41.1121 Hercyno-Alpine montane woodrush beech forests, care se refera in special la Vestul si Centrul Europei) |
182 |
R4106 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D11 Dacian woodrush-beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D11 Dacian woodrush-beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9110 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1121 Hercyno-Alpine montane woodrush beech forests, care se refera in special la Vestul si Centrul Europei) |
183 |
R4107 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D14 Dacian bilberry - beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D14 Dacian bilberry - beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9110 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1121 Hercyno-Alpine montane woodrush beech forests, care se refera in special la Vestul si Centrul Europei) |
186 |
R4110 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D54 South Carpathian Festuca drymeia beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D54 South Carpathian Festuca drymeia beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9110 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1121 Hercyno-Alpine montane woodrush beech forests, care se refera in special la Vestul si Centrul Europei) |
188 |
R4111 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D41 Dacian Epipactis beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D41 Dacian Epipactis beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9150 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.161 Middle European dry-slope limestone beech forests , care se refera in special la Europa Centrala) |
189 |
R4112 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D51 South Carpathian Aremonia beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D51 South Carpathian Aremonia beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 91K0 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1C2 Illyrian beech forests) |
190 |
R4113 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D53 South Carpathian Helleborus odorus beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D53 South Carpathian Helleborus odorus beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 91K0 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1C2 Illyrian beech forests) |
191 |
R4114 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D55 South Carpathian Ruscus beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D55 South Carpathian Ruscus beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 91K0 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1C2 Illyrian beech forests) |
191 |
R4115 |
PAL.HAB: 41.4643 Dacian Geranium macrorrhizum beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.4643 Dacian Geranium macrorrhizum beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 91K0 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1C2 Illyrian beech forests) |
192 |
R4116 |
PAL.HAB: 41.4641 Dacian Phyllitis beech ravine forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.4641 Dacian Phyllitis beech ravine forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 91V0 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1D2 East Carpathian neutrophile beech forests) |
194 |
R4118 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D224 Dacian Dentaria bulbifera beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D224 Dacian Dentaria bulbifera beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9130 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.131 Medio-European collinar neutrophile beech forests) |
195 |
R4119 |
NATURA 2000: 91V0 Dacian beech forests (Symphyto- Fagion) PAL.HAB: 41.1D221 Dacian Galium schultesii beech-hornbeam forest |
NATURA 2000: 9130 Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests PAL.HAB: 41.1D22 Dacian hairy sedge beech-hornbeam forests (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9130 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.131 Medio-European collinar neutrophile beech forests) |
196 |
R4120 |
NATURA 2000: 91V0 Dacian beech forests (Symphyto- Fagion) PAL.HAB: 41.1D61 Moldavian Tilia - Corydalis beech forest |
NATURA 2000: 9130 Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests PAL.HAB: 41.1D222 Dacian Lathyrus hallersteinii beech-hornbeam forests (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9130 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.131 Medio-European collinar neutrophile beech forests) |
197 |
R4121 |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D52 South Carpathian Corylus colurna beech forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.1D52 South Carpathian Corylus colurna beech forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 91K0 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.1C2 Illyrian beech forests) |
198 |
R4123 |
PAL.HAB: 41.2C14 Dacian Carex pilosa-oak-hornbeam forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.266 Carpathian hairy sedge oak-hornbeam forests (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9170 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.261 Wood bedstraw oak-hornbeam forests si 41.262 Mixed lime-oak-hornbeam forests) |
199 |
R4124 |
NATURA 2000: 91G0 Pannonic woods with Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus |
NATURA 2000: 91Y0 Dacian oak-hornbeam forests |
202 |
R4127 |
PAL.HAB: 41.2C24 Dacic sesille oak - lime - hormbeam forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.2A12 Illyrian neutrocline sessile oak-hornbeam forests |
203 |
R4128 |
PAL.HAB: 41.2C1 Dacian oak-hornbeam forests |
204 |
R4129 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: (fara corespondenta NATURA 2000 deoarece tipul PAL.HAB. 41.7A, care corespunde tipului NATURA 2000, 91I0 este gresit incadrat la paduri stepice euro-siberiene) |
208 |
R4133 |
PAL.HAB: 41.7H152 Getic-pre-Carpathic Aremonia oak forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.7696 Pre- Carpathian Quercus cerris - Q. petraea s.l. forest |
209 |
R4134 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 91DA Dobrogean oriental hornbeam-lime-oak forests |
209 |
R4135 |
NATURA 2000: 91Z0 Moesian silver lime woods |
NATURA 2000: 91Y0 Dacian oak-hornbeam forests |
210 |
R4136 |
NATURA 2000: 91Z0 Moesian silver lime woods |
NATURA 2000: 91DA Dobrogean oriental hornbeam-lime-oak forests |
211 |
R4137 |
NATURA 2000: 91Z0 Moesian silver lime woods |
NATURA 2000: 91DA Dobrogean oriental hornbeam-lime-oak forests |
212 |
R4138 |
NATURA 2000: 9160 Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak or oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinian betuli PAL.HAB: 41.2C13 Dacian tatar maple oak-hornbeam forest |
NATURA 2000: 91I0* Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus sp. PAL.HAB: 41.7A225 Sarmatic Acer tataricum-Q. robur-Q. petraea steppe woods |
215 |
R4141 |
PAL.HAB: 41.57331 Pre-Carpathian chestnut-sessile oak forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.57331 Pre-Carpathian chestnut-sessile oak forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9260 ii corespunde PAL.HAB 41.9 Chestnut woods) |
215 |
R4142 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 91I0* Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp. |
216 |
R4143 |
NATURA 2000: 9160 Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak or oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinian betuli |
NATURA 2000: 91Y0 Dacian oak-hornbeam forests |
217 |
R4144 |
PAL.HAB:- EUNIS: 41.57143. Pre- Carpathic purple moorgrass - pedunculate oak forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.57143 Pre- Carpathic purple moorgrass - pedunculate oak forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9160 ii corespunde PAL.HAB: 41.24 Sub-Atlantic stitchwort oak-hornbeam forests) EUNIS:- |
218 |
R4145 |
NATURA 2000:- PAL.HAB: 41.57142 Pre- Carpathian quaking sedge - pedunculate oak forest |
NATURA 2000: 9160 Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak or oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinion betuli PAL.HAB: 41.57142 Pre- Carpathian quaking sedge - pedunculate oak forest (cu toate ca in NATURA 2000 tipului 9160 ii corespunde PAL.HAB: 41.24 Sub-Atlantic stitchwort oak-hornbeam forests) |
219 |
R4147 |
NATURA 2000: 91Z0 Moesian silver lime woods |
NATURA 2000: 91Y0 Dacian oak-hornbeam forests |
221 |
R4148 |
NATURA 2000: 9190 Old acidophilous oak woods with Quercus robur on sandy plains |
NATURA 2000: 91I0* Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus sp. |
224 |
R4152 |
PAL.HAB: 41.2C322 Moesian Quercus cerris oak - hornbeam forest |
PAL.HAB: 41.769 Getic sub-continental thermophilous oak woods |
225 |
R4153 |
NATURA 2000: 9280 Quercus frainetto woods |
NATURA 2000: 91M0 Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak-sessile oak forests |
226 |
R4154 |
NATURA 2000: 9280 Quercus frainetto woods |
NATURA 2000: 91M0 Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak-sessile oak forests |
227 |
R4155 |
NATURA 2000: 9280 Quercus frainetto woods |
NATURA 2000: 91M0 Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak-sessile oak forests |
228 |
R4156 |
PAL.HAB: 41.76223 Pontic Acer tataricum - Quercus pedunculiflora - Q. cerris steppe woods |
PAL.HAB: 41.7A223 Pontic Acer tataricum - Quercus pedunculiflora - Q. cerris steppe woods |
229 |
R4157 |
PAL.HAB: 41.76221 Pontic Acer tataricum - Quercus pedunculiflora steppe woods |
PAL.HAB: 41.7A221 Pontic Acer tataricum - Quercus pedunculiflora steppe woods |
230 |
R4158 |
NATURA 2000: 91I0 *Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp. |
NATURA 2000: 91DA Dobrogean oriental hornbeam-lime-oak forests |
233 |
R4161 |
NATURA 2000: 91AA Eastern white oak woods PAL.HAB: 41.73724 Moesian Galium dasypodium white oak woods |
NATURA 2000: 91AA Eastern white oak woods; 40D0 Ponto-Sarmatic wooded steppes (p.) PAL.HAB: 41.73724 Moesian Galium dasypodium white oak woods; 93.2 Ponto-Sarmatic wooded steppes |
234 |
R4163 |
NATURA 2000:- |
NATURA 2000: 91AA Eastern white oak woods |
238 |
R4201 |
PAL.HAB: 42.21622 Carpathian subalpine Bruckenthalia spruce forest |
PAL.HAB: 42.3532 Eastern Carpathian arolla forests |
239 |
R4202 |
PAL.HAB: 42.21621 Carpathian subalpine Rhododendron spruce forest |
PAL.HAB: 42.3532 Eastern Carpathian arolla forests |
242 |
R4205 |
PAL.HAB: 42.21627 Carpathian Oxalis spruce forest |
PAL.HAB: 42.2162 Eastern Carpathian subalpine spruce forests |
244 |
R4207 |
PAL.HAB: 42.21627 Carpathian Hylocomium spruce forest |
PAL.HAB: 42.226 Inner Carpathian spruce forests |
245 |
R4208 |
PAL.HAB: 42.21628 Carpathian Luzula sylvatica spruce forest |
PAL.HAB: 42.2162 Eastern Carpathian subalpine spruce forests |
251 |
R4215 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 42.5C8 East Carpathian Sesleria Scots pine forest |
NATURA 2000: 91Q0 Western Carpathian calcicolous Pinus sylvestris forests PAL.HAB: 42.542 Carpathian relict calcicolous Scots pine forests; 42.5C8 East Carpathian Sesleria Scots pine forest |
259 |
R4405 |
NATURA 2000: 91E0* Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) |
NATURA 2000: 92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries |
263 |
R4409 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries |
264 |
R4410 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries |
265 |
R4411 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries |
267 |
R4413 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 40A0 *Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub |
268 |
R4414 |
NATURA 2000:- PAL.HAB : - |
NATURA 2000: 91D0 * Bog woodland PAL.HAB : 44.A1 Sphagnum birch woods |
276 |
R4420 |
PAL.HAB : 44.92(2)-1 Sphagnum willow scrub |
PAL.HAB : 44.922 Sphagnum willow carrs |
277 |
R4421 |
PAL.HAB: (44.921 Grey willow scrub) |
PAL.HAB : 44.921 Grey willow carrs |
278 |
R4422 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae) |
297 |
R5403 |
NATURA 2000: 7240 * Alpine pioneer formations of Caricion bicoloris-atrofuscae EMERALD: 54.4 Acidic fens CORINE: 54.4 Acidic fens PAL. HAB: 54.4261 Carpatian black-white-star sedge acidic fens EUNIS: D2.22 Carex nigra, Carex canescens, Carex echinata fens |
NATURA 2000: 7140 Transition mires and quaking bogs EMERALD: !54.5 Transition mires CORINE: 54.5 Transition mires PAL.HAB: 54.512 Sphagnum slender-sedge swards EUNIS: - |
317 |
R6101 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8110 Siliceous scree of the montane to snow levels (Androsacetalia alpinae and Galeopsetalia ladani) |
330 |
R6112 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 61 Screes |
NATURA 2000: 8120 Calcareous and calcshist screes of the montane to alpine levels (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) PAL.HAB: 61.242 East Carpathian calcareous screes |
335 |
R6202 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
337 |
R6204 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
339 |
R6206 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 62 Inland cliffs and exposed rocks |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation PAL.HAB: 62.153 Carpathian calcareous cliff heliophile communities |
340 |
R6207 |
NATURA 2000: - PAL.HAB: 62 Inland cliffs and exposed rocks |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation PAL.HAB: 62.153 Carpathian calcareous cliff heliophile communities |
341 |
R6208 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
343 |
R6210 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8220 Siliceous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
345 |
R6211 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8220 Siliceous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
346 |
R6212 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
347 |
R6213 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
348 |
R6214 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
349 |
R6215 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 8220 Siliceous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
357 |
R6301 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
357 |
R6302 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
358 |
R6303 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
359 |
R6304 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
361 |
R6305 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
361 |
R6306 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands |
363 |
R6401 |
NATURA 2000: 6260 * Pannonic sand steppes |
NATURA 2000: 2340 * Pannonic inland dunes |
363 |
R6402 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2340 * Pannonic inland dunes |
364 |
R6403 |
NATURA 2000: - |
NATURA 2000: 2340 * Pannonic inland dunes |
365 |
R6404 |
PAL. HAB: 64.715 Pannonic dune closed grasslands; 34.A2112 Western Pontic sand pioneer forb swards |
PAL.HAB: 34.A2112 Western Pontic sand pioneer forb swards |
365 |
R6405 |
PAL. HAB: 64.715 Pannonic dune closed grasslands; 34.A2112 Western Pontic sand pioneer forb swards |
PAL.HAB: 34.A2112 Western Pontic sand pioneer forb swards |
371 |
R8706 |
PAL. HAB.- |
PAL. HAB.: 87.2 Ruderal communities |
372 |
R8707 |
PAL. HAB.- |
PAL. HAB.: 87.2 Ruderal communities |
Politica de confidentialitate |
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