Alegerea variantei constructive - cutia de viteze
Autoturismul pentru care se proiecteaza aceasta cutie de viteza este Opel Corsa 1,7 DI produs intre anii 2000-2003. Codul cutiei de viteze este F13/5 WR, fiind o cutie cu cinci trepte de mers inainte sincronizate si o treapa de mers inapoi nesincronizata. Construcia cutiei este cu doi arbori longitudinali ea fiind montata transversal pe caroseria autovehiculului. Acest gen de cutie de viteze este montata pe autoturismele cu solutia totul fata. Sincronizarea treptelor de viteza se face cu sincronizatoare conice cu inertie, cu inele de blocare si dispozitiv de fizare cu bile.
S-a ales aceasta varianta constructiva deoarece motorul are o capacitate cilindrica medie-mica, o putere medie si un cuplu motor mediu de la turatii scazute, fiind o cutie de viteze foarte performanta. Totodata faptul ca este cu doi arbori ofera avantajul gabaritului redus.
In general pe autoturismele din clasa mica-medie se monteaza astfel de cutii deoarece sunt simple, au pret de cost redus fata de alte tipuri constructive, asigra confortul schimbarii treptelor de viteza fara socuri si au o durabiliate buna. Aceasta alegere este confirmata si de alti producatori de masini cum ar fi: Volskwagen, Ford, Toyota, care pe modelele lor de la aceasta clasa au montat acelasi gen de cutii de viteze.
Cutia de viteze F13/5 WR are rapoartele de transmitere dupa cum urmeaza:
treapta 1-a: 3,73;
treapta 2-a: 1,96;
treapta 3-a: 1,31;
treapta 4-a: 0,95;
treapta 5-a: 0,76;
mers inapoi: 3,31;
raportul transmisiei centrale: 3,55;
Pentru confectionarea rotilor dintate si a arborlor s-a ales materialul OLC45. Acesta are rezitenta la tractiune Rm minim 610 N/mm2, iar dupa tratament termic se ajunge la o valoare cuprinsa intre 700 si 840 N/mm2. O roata dintata trebuie sa aiba miezul tenace pentru a face fata oboselii si flancul dinteliu trebuie sa fie dur, pentru a face fata uzurii de contac. Astfel pe flancurile dintilor s-a aplicat o calire cu CIF (curenti de inalta frecventa) iar duritatea lor a ajuns la 55 HRC pentru pinion si 50-51 HRC pentru roata condusa. Rezistenta la presiune de contact fiind σHlim=1140 N/mm2, iar la incovoierea dintelui σFlim=605 N/mm2.
Fisa tehnica Opel Corsa 1,7 DI
Cilindree, cm3 | |
Cilindri |
4 L |
Alezaj x Crusa (mm) |
79x86 |
Putere maxima (kW/rot/min) | |
Cuplu motor maxim (Nm/rot/min) | |
Combustibil |
motorina |
Raport de compresie | |
Aspiratie |
Supraalimentat fara intercooler |
Distributie |
DOHC, 4 supape pe cilindru |
Viteza maxima (km/h) | |
Frane fata |
discuri ventilate |
Frane spate |
tambur |
Racire |
apa |
Capacitate rezervor (l) | |
Cutie de viteze |
manuala, 5+1 trepte |
Masa proprie (kg) | |
Masa totala (kg) | |
Dimensiuni de gabarit (L x l x h) (mm) |
3730 x 1720 x 1425 |
Ampatament (mm) | |
Garda la sol (mm) | |
Dimensiuni anvelopa fata |
175/65 R14 |
Dimensiuni anvelopa spate |
175/65 R14 |
Calculul angrenajelor
Dimensionarea s-a facut cu ajutorul programului Mechsoft, care face verificarile conform DIN 3990:1987.
Treapta a 1-a
--- Guide
External Gearing - DIN
Calculation of geometry: Calculates the number of teeth according to the center distance and module
Reaching the center distance: Teeth correction
Distribution of Correction: With Comp. of Slips
Load calculation: Calculates the torque according to the power and speed
Strength calculation: Strength check calculation
--- Basic Parameters
Desired Gear Ratio = 3.63
Pressure Angle alpha = 20°
Addendum a* = 1 (= 3 mm)
Clearance c* = 0.25 (= 0.75 mm)
Root Fillet = 0.38 (= 1.14 mm)
Addendum of Basic Rack = 1.25 (= 3.75 mm)
Helix Angle beta = 15°
Module m = 3 mm
Tangential Module mt = 3.1058 mm
Center Distance aw = 100 mm
Product Center Distance a = 99.387 mm
Total Unit Correction = 0.2089
Operating Pressure Angle alphaw = 20.9749°
Tangential Pressure Angle alphat = 20.6469°
Tan.Operating Pressure Angle alphatw = 21.5606°
Base Helix Angle betab = 14.0761°
Circular Pitch p = 9.425 mm
Tan. Circular Pitch pt = 9.757 mm
Base Circular Pitch ptb = 9.131 mm
Contact Ratio = 2.2345 (1.4107 + 0.8238)
Precision Specification 6e26
Limit Deviation of Helix Angle Fb = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fx = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fy = 0.005 mm
--- Gear 1
Number of Teeth = 14
Helix Direction = Right
Unit Correction = 0.4269 (= 1.281 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 43.482 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 40.689 mm
Outside Diameter do = 52.017 mm
Root Diameter df = 38.543 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 43.75 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 5.645 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.4189 (= 1.257 mm)
Facewidth = 30 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.6899
Chordal Thickness T = 4.984 mm -0.03
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 3.36 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 23.666 mm / 3 -0.028
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 50.36 mm -0.07
Wire Diameter dw = 4.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 15.4051
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.016 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Gear 2
Number of Teeth = 50
Helix Direction = Left
Unit Correction = -0.218 (= -0.654 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 155.291 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 145.317 mm
Outside Diameter do = 159.957 mm
Root Diameter df = 146.483 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 156.25 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 4.236 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.8113 (= 2.434 mm)
Facewidth = 30 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.1932
Chordal Thickness T = 3.741 mm -0.056
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 1.652 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 59.438 mm / 7 -0.052
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 158.664 mm -0.18
Wire Diameter dw = 4.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 55.0182
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.022 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.008 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0075 mm
--- Load (Gear 1; Gear 2)
Power P = 48; 46.56 kW
Efficiency = 0.97
Speed n = 4400; 1232 rpm
Torque Mk = 104.1741; 360.889 Nm
Tangential Force Ft = 4791.6427 N
Radial Force Fr = 1893.3394 N
Axial Force Fa = 1283.9168 N
Normal Force Fn = 5312.7078 N
Circumferential Velocity v = 10.0174 m/s
Resonance Speed nE1 = 37264.29 rpm
Strength Check According to DIN 3990:1987
Durability Lh = 25000 hour
--- Material Values
Tensile Strength = 640; 640 MPa
Yield Point in Tensile = 390; 390 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit SigmaHlim = 1140; 1140 MPa
Bending Fatigue Limit SigmaFlim = 605; 605 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core = 200; 200 HV
Hardness in Tooth Side = 600; 600 HV
Base Number of Load Cycles in Contact [10^6] = 100; 100
Base Number of Load Cycles in Bending [10^6] = 3; 3
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Contact = 10; 10
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Bending = 9; 9
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension [10^3] = 206; 206 MPa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.3; 0.3
Type of Treatment = 4; 4
--- Factors for Contact
Application Factor KA = 1
Dynamic Factor KHv = 1.088
Face Load Factor KHb = 1.3
Transverse Load Factor KHa = 1.117
Total KH = 1.581
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Elasticity Factor Ze = 189.81
Zone Factor Zh = 2.368
Contact Ratio Factor Zeps = 0.858
Single Pair Tooth Contact Factor ZB = 1.009; 1
Life Factor Zn = 1; 1
Lubricant Factor Zl = 0.962
Roughness Factor Zr = 1
Velocity Factor Zv = 1
Helix Angle Factor Zb = 0.983
Size Factor Zx = 1; 1
Work Hardening Factor Zw = 1
--- Factors for Bending
Application Factor KA = 1
Dynamic Factor KFv = 1.088
Face Load Factor KFb = 1.212
Transverse Load Factor KFa = 1.117
Total KF = 1.474
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Form Factor YFa = 2.093; 2.191
Stress Correction Factor YSa = 3.226; 2.417
Teeth with Grinding Notches Factor YSag = 1; 1
Helix Angle Factor Yb = 0.897
Contact Ratio Factor Yeps = 0.75
Alternating Load Factor Ya = 1; 1
Production Technology Factor Yt = 1; 1
Life Factor Yn = 1; 1
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yd = 1.734; 1.414
Size Factor Yx = 1; 1
Tooth Root Surface Factor Yr = 1
--- Results
Factor of Safety from Pitting SH = 1.052; 1.061
Factor of Safety from Tooth Breakage SF = 2.942; 3.058
Static Safety in Contact SHst = 2.263; 2.283
Static Safety in Bending SFst = 4.242; 5.408
Strength Check - True
Treapta a 2-a
--- Guide
External Gearing - DIN
Calculation of geometry: Calculates the number of teeth according to the center distance and module
Reaching the center distance: Teeth correction
Distribution of Correction: With Comp. of Slips
Load calculation: Calculates the torque according to the power and speed
Strength calculation: Strength check calculation
--- Basic Parameters
Desired Gear Ratio = 1.96
Pressure Angle alpha = 20°
Addendum a* = 1 (= 2.5 mm)
Clearance c* = 0.25 (= 0.625 mm)
Root Fillet = 0.38 (= 0.95 mm)
Addendum of Basic Rack = 1.25 (= 3.125 mm)
Helix Angle beta = 15°
Module m = 2.5 mm
Tangential Module mt = 2.5882 mm
Center Distance aw = 100 mm
Product Center Distance a = 99.645 mm
Total Unit Correction = 0.1436
Operating Pressure Angle alphaw = 20.5693°
Tangential Pressure Angle alphat = 20.6469°
Tan.Operating Pressure Angle alphatw = 21.1795°
Base Helix Angle betab = 14.0761°
Circular Pitch p = 7.854 mm
Tan. Circular Pitch pt = 8.131 mm
Base Circular Pitch ptb = 7.609 mm
Contact Ratio = 2.3859 (1.562 + 0.8238)
Precision Specification 6e26
Limit Deviation of Helix Angle Fb = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fx = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fy = 0.005 mm
--- Gear 1
Number of Teeth = 26
Helix Direction = Right
Unit Correction = 0.2201 (= 0.55 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 67.293 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 62.971 mm
Outside Diameter do = 73.385 mm
Root Diameter df = 62.144 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 67.532 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 4.328 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.6614 (= 1.654 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.3715
Chordal Thickness T = 3.821 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.351 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 27.213 mm / 4 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 71.323 mm -0.12
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 28.6095
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Gear 2
Number of Teeth = 51
Helix Direction = Left
Unit Correction = -0.0765 (= -0.191 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 131.998 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 123.52 mm
Outside Diameter do = 136.606 mm
Root Diameter df = 125.365 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 132.468 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.788 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.7915 (= 1.979 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.1894
Chordal Thickness T = 3.345 mm -0.056
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 1.696 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 49.813 mm / 7 -0.052
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 134.471 mm -0.18
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 56.1186
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.022 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.008 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0075 mm
--- Load (Gear 1; Gear 2)
Power P = 48; 46.56 kW
Efficiency = 0.97
Speed n = 4400; 2243.1373 rpm
Torque Mk = 104.1741; 198.2113 Nm
Tangential Force Ft = 3096.1384 N
Radial Force Fr = 1199.6407 N
Axial Force Fa = 829.6078 N
Normal Force Fn = 3423.6218 N
Circumferential Velocity v = 15.5032 m/s
Resonance Speed nE1 = 14609.53 rpm
Strength Check According to DIN 3990:1987
Durability Lh = 25000 hour
--- Material Values
Tensile Strength = 640; 640 MPa
Yield Point in Tensile = 390; 390 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit SigmaHlim = 1140; 1140 MPa
Bending Fatigue Limit SigmaFlim = 605; 605 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core = 200; 200 HV
Hardness in Tooth Side = 600; 600 HV
Base Number of Load Cycles in Contact [10^6] = 100; 100
Base Number of Load Cycles in Bending [10^6] = 3; 3
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Contact = 10; 10
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Bending = 9; 9
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension [10^3] = 206; 206 MPa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.3; 0.3
Type of Treatment = 4; 4
--- Factors for Contact
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KHv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KHb = 1.229
Transverse Load Factor KHa = 1.144
Total KH = 2.179
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Elasticity Factor Ze = 189.81
Zone Factor Zh = 2.417
Contact Ratio Factor Zeps = 0.81
Single Pair Tooth Contact Factor ZB = 1.003; 1
Life Factor Zn = 1; 1
Lubricant Factor Zl = 0.962
Roughness Factor Zr = 1
Velocity Factor Zv = 1.015
Helix Angle Factor Zb = 0.981
Size Factor Zx = 1; 1
Work Hardening Factor Zw = 1
--- Factors for Bending
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KFv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KFb = 1.173
Transverse Load Factor KFa = 1.144
Total KF = 2.08
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Form Factor YFa = 2.132; 2.163
Stress Correction Factor YSa = 2.8; 2.495
Teeth with Grinding Notches Factor YSag = 1; 1
Helix Angle Factor Yb = 0.887
Contact Ratio Factor Yeps = 0.694
Alternating Load Factor Ya = 1; 1
Production Technology Factor Yt = 1; 1
Life Factor Yn = 1; 1
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yd = 1.595; 1.478
Size Factor Yx = 1; 1
Tooth Root Surface Factor Yr = 1
--- Results
Factor of Safety from Pitting SH = 1.237; 1.241
Factor of Safety from Tooth Breakage SF = 2.549; 2.612
Static Safety in Contact SHst = 2.617; 2.625
Static Safety in Bending SFst = 3.995; 4.419
Strength Check - True
Treapta a 3-a
--- Guide
External Gearing - DIN
Calculation of geometry: Calculates the number of teeth according to the center distance and module
Reaching the center distance: Teeth correction
Distribution of Correction: With Comp. of Slips
Load calculation: Calculates the torque according to the power and speed
Strength calculation: Strength check calculation
--- Basic Parameters
Desired Gear Ratio = 1.31
Pressure Angle alpha = 20°
Addendum a* = 1 (= 2.25 mm)
Clearance c* = 0.25 (= 0.562 mm)
Root Fillet = 0.38 (= 0.855 mm)
Addendum of Basic Rack = 1.25 (= 2.812 mm)
Helix Angle beta = 15°
Module m = 2.25 mm
Tangential Module mt = 2.3294 mm
Center Distance aw = 100 mm
Product Center Distance a = 98.998 mm
Total Unit Correction = 0.4606
Operating Pressure Angle alphaw = 21.5678°
Tangential Pressure Angle alphat = 20.6469°
Tan.Operating Pressure Angle alphatw = 22.1201°
Base Helix Angle betab = 14.0761°
Circular Pitch p = 7.069 mm
Tan. Circular Pitch pt = 7.318 mm
Base Circular Pitch ptb = 6.848 mm
Contact Ratio = 2.4631 (1.5477 + 0.9154)
Precision Specification 6e26
Limit Deviation of Helix Angle Fb = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fx = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fy = 0.005 mm
--- Gear 1
Number of Teeth = 37
Helix Direction = Right
Unit Correction = 0.2548 (= 0.573 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 86.187 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 80.651 mm
Outside Diameter do = 91.764 mm
Root Diameter df = 81.708 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 87.059 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.952 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.7143 (= 1.607 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.2901
Chordal Thickness T = 3.489 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.154 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 31.57 mm / 5 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 91.182 mm -0.11
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 40.7135
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Gear 2
Number of Teeth = 48
Helix Direction = Left
Unit Correction = 0.2058 (= 0.463 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 111.81 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 104.628 mm
Outside Diameter do = 117.167 mm
Root Diameter df = 107.111 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 112.941 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.871 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.7527 (= 1.694 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.2236
Chordal Thickness T = 3.418 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.056 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 45.161 mm / 7 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 116.7 mm -0.115
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 52.8175
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Load (Gear 1; Gear 2)
Power P = 48; 46.56 kW
Efficiency = 0.97
Speed n = 4400; 3391.6667 rpm
Torque Mk = 104.1741; 131.0905 Nm
Tangential Force Ft = 2417.4053 N
Radial Force Fr = 982.5935 N
Axial Force Fa = 647.7418 N
Normal Force Fn = 2691.1048 N
Circumferential Velocity v = 19.856 m/s
Resonance Speed nE1 = 8982.39 rpm
Strength Check According to DIN 3990:1987
Durability Lh = 25000 hour
--- Material Values
Tensile Strength = 640; 640 MPa
Yield Point in Tensile = 390; 390 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit SigmaHlim = 1140; 1140 MPa
Bending Fatigue Limit SigmaFlim = 605; 605 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core = 200; 200 HV
Hardness in Tooth Side = 600; 600 HV
Base Number of Load Cycles in Contact [10^6] = 100; 100
Base Number of Load Cycles in Bending [10^6] = 3; 3
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Contact = 10; 10
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Bending = 9; 9
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension [10^3] = 206; 206 MPa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.3; 0.3
Type of Treatment = 4; 4
--- Factors for Contact
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KHv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KHb = 1.229
Transverse Load Factor KHa = 1.144
Total KH = 2.179
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Elasticity Factor Ze = 189.81
Zone Factor Zh = 2.417
Contact Ratio Factor Zeps = 0.81
Single Pair Tooth Contact Factor ZB = 1.003; 1
Life Factor Zn = 1; 1
Lubricant Factor Zl = 0.962
Roughness Factor Zr = 1
Velocity Factor Zv = 1.015
Helix Angle Factor Zb = 0.981
Size Factor Zx = 1; 1
Work Hardening Factor Zw = 1
--- Factors for Bending
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KFv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KFb = 1.173
Transverse Load Factor KFa = 1.144
Total KF = 2.08
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Form Factor YFa = 2.132; 2.163
Stress Correction Factor YSa = 2.8; 2.495
Teeth with Grinding Notches Factor YSag = 1; 1
Helix Angle Factor Yb = 0.887
Contact Ratio Factor Yeps = 0.694
Alternating Load Factor Ya = 1; 1
Production Technology Factor Yt = 1; 1
Life Factor Yn = 1; 1
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yd = 1.595; 1.478
Size Factor Yx = 1; 1
Tooth Root Surface Factor Yr = 1
--- Results
Factor of Safety from Pitting SH = 1.463; 1.467
Factor of Safety from Tooth Breakage SF = 2.938; 3.011
Static Safety in Contact SHst = 3.095; 3.104
Static Safety in Bending SFst = 4.605; 5.093
Strength Check - True
Treapta a 4-a
--- Guide
External Gearing - DIN
Calculation of geometry: Calculates the number of teeth according to the center distance and module
Reaching the center distance: Teeth correction
Distribution of Correction: With Comp. of Slips
Load calculation: Calculates the torque according to the power and speed
Strength calculation: Strength check calculation
--- Basic Parameters
Desired Gear Ratio = 0.95
Pressure Angle alpha = 20°
Addendum a* = 1 (= 2.25 mm)
Clearance c* = 0.25 (= 0.562 mm)
Root Fillet = 0.38 (= 0.855 mm)
Addendum of Basic Rack = 1.25 (= 2.812 mm)
Helix Angle beta = 15°
Module m = 2.25 mm
Tangential Module mt = 2.3294 mm
Center Distance aw = 100 mm
Product Center Distance a = 98.998 mm
Total Unit Correction = 0.4606
Operating Pressure Angle alphaw = 21.5678°
Tangential Pressure Angle alphat = 20.6469°
Tan.Operating Pressure Angle alphatw = 22.1201°
Base Helix Angle betab = 14.0761°
Circular Pitch p = 7.069 mm
Tan. Circular Pitch pt = 7.318 mm
Base Circular Pitch ptb = 6.848 mm
Contact Ratio = 2.4668 (1.5514 + 0.9154)
Precision Specification 6e26
Limit Deviation of Helix Angle Fb = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fx = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fy = 0.005 mm
--- Gear 1
Number of Teeth = 43
Helix Direction = Right
Unit Correction = 0.2281 (= 0.513 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 100.163 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 93.73 mm
Outside Diameter do = 105.62 mm
Root Diameter df = 95.565 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 101.176 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.908 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.7374 (= 1.659 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.2496
Chordal Thickness T = 3.451 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.101 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 38.38 mm / 6 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 105.072 mm -0.115
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 47.3157
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Gear 2
Number of Teeth = 42
Helix Direction = Left
Unit Correction = 0.2325 (= 0.523 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 97.834 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 91.55 mm
Outside Diameter do = 103.31 mm
Root Diameter df = 93.255 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 98.824 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.915 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.734 (= 1.652 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.2555
Chordal Thickness T = 3.457 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.109 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 38.351 mm / 6 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 102.826 mm -0.115
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 46.2153
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Load (Gear 1; Gear 2)
Power P = 48; 46.56 kW
Efficiency = 0.97
Speed n = 4400; 4504.7619 rpm
Torque Mk = 104.1741; 98.6989 Nm
Tangential Force Ft = 2080.093 N
Radial Force Fr = 845.4875 N
Axial Force Fa = 557.3592 N
Normal Force Fn = 2315.6018 N
Circumferential Velocity v = 23.0759 m/s
Resonance Speed nE1 = 7545.77 rpm
Strength Check According to DIN 3990:1987
Durability Lh = 25000 hour
--- Material Values
Tensile Strength = 640; 640 MPa
Yield Point in Tensile = 390; 390 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit SigmaHlim = 1140; 1140 MPa
Bending Fatigue Limit SigmaFlim = 605; 605 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core = 200; 200 HV
Hardness in Tooth Side = 600; 600 HV
Base Number of Load Cycles in Contact [10^6] = 100; 100
Base Number of Load Cycles in Bending [10^6] = 3; 3
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Contact = 10; 10
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Bending = 9; 9
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension [10^3] = 206; 206 MPa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.3; 0.3
Type of Treatment = 4; 4
--- Factors for Contact
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KHv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KHb = 1.229
Transverse Load Factor KHa = 1.144
Total KH = 2.179
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Elasticity Factor Ze = 189.81
Zone Factor Zh = 2.417
Contact Ratio Factor Zeps = 0.81
Single Pair Tooth Contact Factor ZB = 1.003; 1
Life Factor Zn = 1; 1
Lubricant Factor Zl = 0.962
Roughness Factor Zr = 1
Velocity Factor Zv = 1.015
Helix Angle Factor Zb = 0.981
Size Factor Zx = 1; 1
Work Hardening Factor Zw = 1
--- Factors for Bending
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KFv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KFb = 1.173
Transverse Load Factor KFa = 1.144
Total KF = 2.08
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Form Factor YFa = 2.132; 2.163
Stress Correction Factor YSa = 2.8; 2.495
Teeth with Grinding Notches Factor YSag = 1; 1
Helix Angle Factor Yb = 0.887
Contact Ratio Factor Yeps = 0.694
Alternating Load Factor Ya = 1; 1
Production Technology Factor Yt = 1; 1
Life Factor Yn = 1; 1
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yd = 1.595; 1.478
Size Factor Yx = 1; 1
Tooth Root Surface Factor Yr = 1
--- Results
Factor of Safety from Pitting SH = 1.609; 1.614
Factor of Safety from Tooth Breakage SF = 3.414; 3.499
Static Safety in Contact SHst = 3.404; 3.414
Static Safety in Bending SFst = 5.351; 5.919
Strength Check - True
Treapta a 5-a
--- Guide
External Gearing - DIN
Calculation of geometry: Calculates the number of teeth according to the center distance and module
Reaching the center distance: Teeth correction
Distribution of Correction: With Comp. of Slips
Load calculation: Calculates the torque according to the power and speed
Strength calculation: Strength check calculation
--- Basic Parameters
Desired Gear Ratio = 0.76
Pressure Angle alpha = 20°
Addendum a* = 1 (= 2.25 mm)
Clearance c* = 0.25 (= 0.562 mm)
Root Fillet = 0.38 (= 0.855 mm)
Addendum of Basic Rack = 1.25 (= 2.812 mm)
Helix Angle beta = 15°
Module m = 2.25 mm
Tangential Module mt = 2.3294 mm
Center Distance aw = 100 mm
Product Center Distance a = 98.998 mm
Total Unit Correction = 0.4606
Operating Pressure Angle alphaw = 21.5678°
Tangential Pressure Angle alphat = 20.6469°
Tan.Operating Pressure Angle alphatw = 22.1201°
Base Helix Angle betab = 14.0761°
Circular Pitch p = 7.069 mm
Tan. Circular Pitch pt = 7.318 mm
Base Circular Pitch ptb = 6.848 mm
Contact Ratio = 2.4631 (1.5477 + 0.9154)
Precision Specification 6e26
Limit Deviation of Helix Angle Fb = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fx = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fy = 0.005 mm
--- Gear 1
Number of Teeth = 48
Helix Direction = Right
Unit Correction = 0.2058 (= 0.463 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 111.81 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 104.628 mm
Outside Diameter do = 117.167 mm
Root Diameter df = 107.111 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 112.941 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.871 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.7527 (= 1.694 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.2236
Chordal Thickness T = 3.418 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.056 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 45.161 mm / 7 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 116.7 mm -0.115
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 52.8175
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Gear 2
Number of Teeth = 37
Helix Direction = Left
Unit Correction = 0.2548 (= 0.573 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 86.187 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 80.651 mm
Outside Diameter do = 91.764 mm
Root Diameter df = 81.708 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 87.059 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 3.952 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.7143 (= 1.607 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.2901
Chordal Thickness T = 3.489 mm -0.04
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 2.154 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 31.57 mm / 5 -0.038
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 91.182 mm -0.11
Wire Diameter dw = 3.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 40.7135
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.02 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Load (Gear 1; Gear 2)
Power P = 48; 46.56 kW
Efficiency = 0.97
Speed n = 4400; 5708.1081 rpm
Torque Mk = 104.1741; 77.8919 Nm
Tangential Force Ft = 1863.4166 N
Radial Force Fr = 757.4159 N
Axial Force Fa = 499.301 N
Normal Force Fn = 2074.3933 N
Circumferential Velocity v = 25.7591 m/s
Resonance Speed nE1 = 6923.92 rpm
Strength Check According to DIN 3990:1987
Durability Lh = 25000 hour
--- Material Values
Tensile Strength = 640; 640 MPa
Yield Point in Tensile = 390; 390 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit SigmaHlim = 1140; 1140 MPa
Bending Fatigue Limit SigmaFlim = 605; 605 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core = 200; 200 HV
Hardness in Tooth Side = 600; 600 HV
Base Number of Load Cycles in Contact [10^6] = 100; 100
Base Number of Load Cycles in Bending [10^6] = 3; 3
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Contact = 10; 10
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Bending = 9; 9
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension [10^3] = 206; 206 MPa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.3; 0.3
Type of Treatment = 4; 4
--- Factors for Contact
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KHv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KHb = 1.229
Transverse Load Factor KHa = 1.144
Total KH = 2.179
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Elasticity Factor Ze = 189.81
Zone Factor Zh = 2.417
Contact Ratio Factor Zeps = 0.81
Single Pair Tooth Contact Factor ZB = 1.003; 1
Life Factor Zn = 1; 1
Lubricant Factor Zl = 0.962
Roughness Factor Zr = 1
Velocity Factor Zv = 1.015
Helix Angle Factor Zb = 0.981
Size Factor Zx = 1; 1
Work Hardening Factor Zw = 1
--- Factors for Bending
Application Factor KA = 1.25
Dynamic Factor KFv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KFb = 1.173
Transverse Load Factor KFa = 1.144
Total KF = 2.08
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Form Factor YFa = 2.132; 2.163
Stress Correction Factor YSa = 2.8; 2.495
Teeth with Grinding Notches Factor YSag = 1; 1
Helix Angle Factor Yb = 0.887
Contact Ratio Factor Yeps = 0.694
Alternating Load Factor Ya = 1; 1
Production Technology Factor Yt = 1; 1
Life Factor Yn = 1; 1
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yd = 1.595; 1.478
Size Factor Yx = 1; 1
Tooth Root Surface Factor Yr = 1
--- Results
Factor of Safety from Pitting SH = 1.898; 1.904
Factor of Safety from Tooth Breakage SF = 3.811; 3.906
Static Safety in Contact SHst = 4.015; 4.027
Static Safety in Bending SFst = 5.973; 6.608
Strength Check - True
Treapta de mers inapoi
--- Guide
External Gearing - DIN
Calculation of geometry: Calculates the number of teeth according to the center distance and module
Reaching the center distance: Teeth correction
Distribution of Correction: With Comp. of Slips
Load calculation: Calculates the torque according to the power and speed
Strength calculation: Strength check calculation
--- Basic Parameters
Desired Gear Ratio = 3.31
Pressure Angle alpha = 20°
Addendum a* = 1 (= 3 mm)
Clearance c* = 0.25 (= 0.75 mm)
Root Fillet = 0.38 (= 1.14 mm)
Addendum of Basic Rack = 1.25 (= 3.75 mm)
Helix Angle beta = 15°
Module m = 3 mm
Tangential Module mt = 3.1058 mm
Center Distance aw = 100 mm
Product Center Distance a = 99.387 mm
Total Unit Correction = 0.2089
Operating Pressure Angle alphaw = 20.9749°
Tangential Pressure Angle alphat = 20.6469°
Tan.Operating Pressure Angle alphatw = 21.5606°
Base Helix Angle betab = 14.0761°
Circular Pitch p = 9.425 mm
Tan. Circular Pitch pt = 9.757 mm
Base Circular Pitch ptb = 9.131 mm
Contact Ratio = 2.115 (1.4285 + 0.6865)
Precision Specification 6e26
Limit Deviation of Helix Angle Fb = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fx = 0.01 mm
Limit Deviation of Axis Parallelity fy = 0.005 mm
--- Gear 1
Number of Teeth = 15
Helix Direction = Right
Unit Correction = 0.4018 (= 1.205 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 46.587 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 43.595 mm
Outside Diameter do = 54.972 mm
Root Diameter df = 41.498 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 46.875 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 5.59 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.4574 (= 1.372 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.5366
Chordal Thickness T = 4.936 mm -0.03
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 3.294 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 23.661 mm / 3 -0.028
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 53.099 mm -0.075
Wire Diameter dw = 4.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 16.5055
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.016 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.007 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0066 mm
--- Gear 2
Number of Teeth = 49
Helix Direction = Left
Unit Correction = -0.1929 (= -0.579 mm)
Pitch Diameter d = 152.186 mm
Base Circle Diameter db = 142.411 mm
Outside Diameter do = 157.002 mm
Root Diameter df = 143.528 mm
Work Pitch Diameter dw = 153.125 mm
Tooth Thickness s = 4.291 mm
Outside Tooth Thickness = 0.8076 (= 2.423 mm)
Facewidth = 25 mm
Facewidth Ratio = 0.1643
Chordal Thickness T = 3.789 mm -0.056
Chordal Thickness Height ht = 1.719 mm
Chordal Dimension M = 59.444 mm / 7 -0.052
Dimension Over (Between) Wires M = 155.638 mm -0.175
Wire Diameter dw = 4.5 mm
Comparative Number of Teeth zv = 53.9178
Limit Circumferential Run-out Fr = 0.022 mm
Limit Deviation of Axial Pitch fpt = ±0.008 mm
Limit Deviation of Basic Pitch fpb = ±0.0075 mm
--- Load (Gear 1; Gear 2)
Power P = 48; 46.56 kW
Efficiency = 0.97
Speed n = 4400; 1346.9388 rpm
Torque Mk = 104.1741; 330.0931 Nm
Tangential Force Ft = 4472.1999 N
Radial Force Fr = 1767.1168 N
Axial Force Fa = 1198.3223 N
Normal Force Fn = 4958.5273 N
Circumferential Velocity v = 10.733 m/s
Resonance Speed nE1 = 32857.59 rpm
Strength Check According to DIN 3990:1987
Durability Lh = 25000 hour
--- Material Values
Tensile Strength = 640; 640 MPa
Yield Point in Tensile = 390; 390 MPa
Contact Fatigue Limit SigmaHlim = 1140; 1140 MPa
Bending Fatigue Limit SigmaFlim = 605; 605 MPa
Hardness in Tooth Core = 200; 200 HV
Hardness in Tooth Side = 600; 600 HV
Base Number of Load Cycles in Contact [10^6] = 100; 100
Base Number of Load Cycles in Bending [10^6] = 3; 3
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Contact = 10; 10
Wöhler Curve Exponent for Bending = 9; 9
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension [10^3] = 206; 206 MPa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.3; 0.3
Type of Treatment = 4; 4
--- Factors for Contact
Application Factor KA = 1
Dynamic Factor KHv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KHb = 1.229
Transverse Load Factor KHa = 1.144
Total KH = 1.743
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Elasticity Factor Ze = 189.81
Zone Factor Zh = 2.417
Contact Ratio Factor Zeps = 0.81
Single Pair Tooth Contact Factor ZB = 1.003; 1
Life Factor Zn = 1; 1
Lubricant Factor Zl = 0.962
Roughness Factor Zr = 1
Velocity Factor Zv = 1.015
Helix Angle Factor Zb = 0.981
Size Factor Zx = 1; 1
Work Hardening Factor Zw = 1
--- Factors for Bending
Application Factor KA = 1
Dynamic Factor KFv = 1.24
Face Load Factor KFb = 1.173
Transverse Load Factor KFa = 1.144
Total KF = 1.664
One-time Overloading Factor KAS = 1
Form Factor YFa = 2.132; 2.163
Stress Correction Factor YSa = 2.8; 2.495
Teeth with Grinding Notches Factor YSag = 1; 1
Helix Angle Factor Yb = 0.887
Contact Ratio Factor Yeps = 0.694
Alternating Load Factor Ya = 1; 1
Production Technology Factor Yt = 1; 1
Life Factor Yn = 1; 1
Notch Sensitivity Factor Yd = 1.595; 1.478
Size Factor Yx = 1; 1
Tooth Root Surface Factor Yr = 1
--- Results
Factor of Safety from Pitting SH = 1.03; 1.033
Factor of Safety from Tooth Breakage SF = 2.647; 2.713
Static Safety in Contact SHst = 2.178; 2.184
Static Safety in Bending SFst = 4.148; 4.589
Strength Check - True
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