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Lesson Project Level: pre-intermediate, You shouldn't move it!

Lesson Project Level: pre-intermediate, You shouldn't move it!

Lesson Project


School: Corlatel
Form: the 6th

Level: pre-intermediate

Lesson Topic: You shouldn't move it!

Vocabulary: Parts of the body
Grammar: the verbs "will/won't" for predictions and decisions - Future Simple; the verbs "should/shouldn't" for advice

Type of lesson: teaching
Skills: read and complete a questionnaire on good manners/ write a Good Date Guide

Interaction: frontal, individual, pair work

Cognitive Objectives: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

  • To talk about injuries
  • Make decisions
  • Give advice using "should"/"shouldn't"

Affective Objectives: to create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom, in order to be able to work with the pupils properly.

Teaching Techniques:

  • Conversation
  • Dialogue
  • exercise

Methods of Teaching: conversation, explanation, brainstorm, observation, reading.
Teaching Aids: blackboard, textbook, worksheets

A. Bibliographical: Snapshot Elementary, Longman, Sinteze de gramatica engleza de Georgiana Galateanu Farnoaga, Gramatice limbii engleze - probleme esentiale si exercitii de Claude Vollaire
B. Human: the pupils in the classroom

Time: 50'


Organisation of the class


The teacher greets the pupils and asks them a few ordinary questions (Who is on duty today?/Who is absent today?/ What day is today?/How are you today?)

The pupils answer the teacher's questions


Homework check


The teacher asks them what their homework was and checks their notebooks; she also makes a circle on the blackboard and the pupils must make connections related to it.

The pupils read their homework while the other classmates pay attention in order to correct them, if necessary; they go to the blackboard and fill the circles.




The teacher asks them if they have ever broken or sprained a part of the body.

One of the pupils answers this question; he/she explains what happened exactly and the way he/she felt.


Announcing objectives


The teacher tells them that they will learn a new lesson in which they'll find out about injuries and what to do in these situations and about a new grammar tense: Future Simple. She writes the objectives on the blackboard.

The pupils listen to the teacher and pay attention to her; they also write the objectives from the blackboard.


Follow-up activity


- The teacher asks them to open their books at page 77 and read the main text of the lesson;

- The teacher helps the children translate the text and gives them the new words.

- She asks them to work an exercise on comprehension.

- The teacher writes on the blackboard the title of the new grammar lesson: Future Simple.

- She enlarges upon this tense, explaining its form, use and giving examples.

- The teacher asks the pupils to work exercise 7 from Practice at page 78, in which they have to fill in the blanks with the proper form of the auxiliary "will"

- The teacher checks the exercise given

- She also teaches the modals"should/shouldn't" and enlarges upon them, writing all the necessary information on the blackboard.

- The teacher asks them to work an exercise on these modals; they have to choose the best answer for a few given situations

- The teacher shares some worksheets which the pupils will have to work in team and choose the proper answer for an English lesson guide.

- The pupils act the short text out; one of them is Louise, another is Sandra and all the other characters.

- The pupils start translating the passage.

- The pupils read the questions and answer them.

- The pupils write in their notebooks.

- They pay attention and write in their notebooks.

- The pupils work the exercise in their notebooks and then, read the sentences aloud.

- The pupils write in their notebooks.

- The pupils work exercise 12 at page 79 and then check their answers at page 121.

- They have to choose the right answers and then read them aloud.



(Correcting feed-back)


The teacher assures it at the end of the lesson and make remarks regarding the pupils' activity during the lesson.




The teacher asks the pupils to write a GOOD DATE GUIDE for a boy or for a girl.

The pupils write down the task for the next English lesson.

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