- informatii profesionale despre

Simplitatea lucrurilor complicate - Referate profesionale unice
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The radio and the television - english course


A.    Searching for a job

Of all the things you do in life, few are more important than getting a job. Whether it involves your first job or one further down your career path, job seeking is directly related to your success and your happiness. It is vital that you conduct the job search properly, that you prepare wisely and carefully and proceed diligently. You can begin your job search long before you are ready to find employment, building relationships with people who could help you find work when you need it. Such persons include classmates, professors and business people. When you are ready to search for your career job, you should begin the effort by analysing yourself, your potential and abilities, your desires and ideals and the real opportunities on the market. You should take into account education, personal qualities and special qualifications, but in the same time the requirements of the possible employers. The stages from picking up a desired position to getting a certain job comprise writing the application letter (as we described it in the previous course) and eventually completing the application form, writing the Curriculum Vitae and sustaining the interview. If your self-analysis and your behaviour during the stages were well established and well prepared, then you have received the job you were looking for.

The following steps form an ideal chain in the process of applying for a job. Which of them do you think you could skip in reality?

You write a letter accepting the offer of a job or declining the job


You receive a letter telling you the position has been filled


You receive a letter offering you a job


You attend the interview


You receive a letter saying that you have not been shortlisted, i.e. you have not been invited for interview


You receive a letter saying that you have been shortlisted, i.e. selected for interview

You complete an application form, write an application letter and a C.V.


You write an application form and a job-specification (fuller details of the post)


You network, i.e. you make suitable contacts in your field of interest


You read an advertisement for a job that interests you


You identify what you do well and enjoy doing


A1. Curriculum Vitae is an essential part of your job hunting. There are many ways of writing it and on the following pages you will discover two of them. The first one is very detailed and it describes your abilities and training widely, but it is not very comfortable for the future employer as he could have to read many CVs in a short period of time and he would need synthetic presentations. The second one is very easily readable and systematic, but maybe it does not always tell all the important things about you.


I.           PERSONAL DATA

Surname: ...

First name: ...

Date and place of birth: ...

Address:    ...

Civil status:                    single/married/divorced/widow(-er)

II.          EDUCATION

- 19. - I graduated the ... Highschool in ...

- 19., June - I graduated the ... Faculty at the ...University in..., ... specialty, with a final rate of .%. The courses I attended at the above-mentioned faculty included: ...

- in the year 19. I graduated the Master courses organised by the ...Faculty at the ...University in ..., specialty ... The courses included: ...

- in 19. (month) I attended a course in ... about ... and I received a diploma in ...


- 19., (month)-19., (month) - I worked, as a ... (position), at ...(institution) My responsibilities included:

- ...

- ...

- ...(month)19.-present - transferred, after a contest, at ... (institution), where I am working as .... My responsibilities include:

- ...

- ...


- English - fluent, both in oral and written communication

- French - medium level, oral and written

V.          COMPUTERS

- knowledge of operation in Windows, Norton Commander, Word for Windows, Excel, Word Perfect

- knowledge of operation in Internet




Available on request.


1.    Family name: ...

2.     First names: ...

3.     Date of birth: ...

4.       Nationality and Passport No: ROMANIAN - ...

5.       Civil status: ...

6.       Contact address: ...

tel.: +40 ...

7. Education:


Faculty of

Date: from (month/year):

to (month/year)

October 19.

October 19.

Degree(s) or Diploma(s):

Bachelor of Arts


Faculty of

Date: from (month/year):

to (month/year)

October 19.

October 19.

Degree(s) or Diploma(s):

Master of Arts in ...


University of ... - Faculty of ...

Date: from (month/year):

to (month/year)

October 19.

May 19.

Degree(s) or Diploma(s):

Post-graduate in ...

8. Language skills: (Mark 1 to 5 for competence)






Mother tongue









9.     Membership of professional bodies:

10. Other skills: computer literate

11. Present position: ...

12. Years within the firm: ...

13.  Key qualifications:

14. Professional Experience Record:

Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)

October 19.

June 19.


..., Romania




... (what your tasks are)

15. Others:

dynamic, pro-active

good communication/organisational skills

A2. Interview Myths. Here are some assumptions about job interviews, some correct, some not. Decide which of them are real tips for success in an interview situation.

1.     a. While waiting in the office, you should just sit and wait to be called.

b. I can predict and prepare for 80% of the questions the interviewer will ask me. Preparation will help me do well.

c. If the interviewer asks me if I have any negative points or weaknesses I should indicate that I have none.

d. It is perfectly acceptable to call the employer within two weeks of submitting my job application materials to ask when I might expect to hear about the final decision. They often fail to do that.

e. The most important time of the interview is the last five minutes, when I discuss salary, ask about hiring decision and close the interview.

f. I should keep my answers as short as possible, so the interviewer will have time to ask more questions.

g. I can also ask questions regarding the organisation of the company.

h. I should say that I am looking for a job which can offer me greater challenge and more opportunities for using my skills.

i. Most employers issue invitations to interview by phone.

2. a. My job interview begins as soon as I walk through the office door. As I might be under observation all the time, I could ask the secretary some friendly questions about the organisation, in case they ask her opinion about me.

b. The interviewer is the only one who can ask questions.

c. Be tactful, by turning a possible negative situation into a positive one. For example, "I tend to neglect my family because I often work too late."

d. I should mind how I look and sit. What the interviewer thinks about me in the first minutes will set the tone of the interview.

e. I cannot prepare for an interview because: I do not know if I will get an interview; I do not know what the interviewer will ask; actually, once I am invited to an interview, I almost have a job.

f. Once I submit my application papers for the job, the proper thing to do is to wait until I hear from the employer.

g. The interviewer is looking for thoughtful answers that indicate some depth on my part. So I should go from general responses to specifics that indicate my depth of knowledge and interest.

h. If asked why I am leaving my job, I should criticise my colleagues or say I find my present work boring and underpaid.

i. Invitations to interviews normally come by letter or telegram.

A3. Read and translate the following interview, paying attention to the things people say to each other in this official situation. Then try to simulate your answers to the questions comprised in the interview. Do you think your answers could be firmer and better prepared? Why do you think the interviewers liked the fellow and, even though he seemed hesitating sometimes, in the end they were about to decide that he was the proper person for the job? What do you think a possible employer would appreciate the most in your attitude? Which quality would you like to stress as being your dominant feature? Why?

Secretary:        Oh, Mr. John Pilgrim, would you go in now, please?

John P.:             Oh, me? Yes, right.

Mr. Rich:           You are Mr. Pilgrim, aren't you?

John P.:             Yes, that's right.

Mr. Rich:           Well, do sit down. My name is Rich, I am the assistant to the managing director; these two gentlemen are Mr. Hard, the Personnel Manager and Mr. Frost, one of our executives. Now, Mr. Pilgrim, I would like you to tell us what is it that makes you want to come and work with us.

John P.:             Well, I have always wanted to work in a television station and I've noticed that yours is one of the best at the moment .

Mr. Rich:           Yes?

John P.:             Well, I know that your talkshows and entertainment programmes are very professionally accomplished and that you have very skilled employees who are also able to work in teams.

Mr. Rich:           Well, it is true, but there are many aspects of a job in television that you have not considered yet. But, if you did come and work for us, you'd soon learn about them. I'm sure, Mr. Hard, that you've got a lot of things you want to ask Mr. Pilgrim.

Mr. Hard:          Yes, I wanted to ask some questions about yourself that don't come out clearly in your application. Why did you wait so long before deciding to further your education after you left school?

John P.:             Well, I was short of confidence, really. It was not until later that I thought to myself: well, if others can get on, why shouldn't I?

Mr. Frost:         Good for you! You didn't really like to work in a library?

John P.:             It was quite pleasant, but not very demanding. Then . I thought of becoming a public communicator, I went to a faculty and here I am.

Mr. Frost:         You'd have to do some pretty basic jobs here, you know, if we accepted you as a trainee.

John P.:             Yes, but that would be different. Then I'd know where I was going,

Mr. Hard:          Well, Mr. Pilgrim, that's all for the time being. Could you wait outside for a bit, please? We'll call you in again later.

Mr. Hard:          Well, gentlemen, what do you think?

Mr. Frost:         Well, I liked the chap, I think he knows what he's after now, I'd recommend taking him on and giving him a try.

A4. Translate and bear in mind the following words and phrases. Try to make sentences with them:

What sort of jobs do you know? There are full-time jobs, part-time jobs, high-paid jobs, low-paid jobs, attractive jobs, dull jobs, clerical jobs, odd jobs, risky jobs, humble jobs, dirty jobs.

When applying for a job, what will you have to do? I have to fill in an application form, send in qualification documents, sustain a test, undergo probation of personal abilities, examine a job description, sustain an interview and undergo medical examination.

What should the employee information system contain? It should contain controls to monitor leave and absenteism, checks to ensure pay increases, decreases and promotions, review of job descriptions, applications and interview notes, medical history and records, time sheets, attendance records (sick time, vacation, overtime), employment history (promotions, transfers, grievances).

B.     Modal Verbs

B1. Modal verbs express the attitude of the speaker in what concerns the process of communication in progress, in development, the action being considered possible, probable, obligatory, desirable, etc. (example: It might rain later. S-ar putea sa ploua mai tarziu).

There are two types of modal verbs in English

a.     notional verbs expressing manner (want, wish, order, oblige, advise, intend, mean, prefer, etc.) which act like normal verbs (He wants to see the play. Don't oblige him to do this.)

b.     defective modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, have to, should, ought to, would, shall, will, need, dare; e.g. He can play the piano), which also express manner, but formally have certain characteristics:

1.     they are defective, that is they lack certain verbal forms. Accordingly, they can not be used at all the moods and tenses, most of them having only indicative, present and past tense (can - present tense, could - past tense; may - present tense, might - past tense). Some of them have only indicative, present tense (must). That is why they have equivalents to express the other moods and tenses (can - to be able to; may - to be allowed/permitted to; must - to have to).

2.     they do not receive -s/-es at the third person singular (example: He must see this play).

3.     they form the interrogative and negative without the aid of auxiliary verbs, in the style of auxiliary verbs (example: Must you do this? She cannot speak English).

4.   they are followed by the short infinitive of the notional verbs (except ought to).





- physical or intellectual ability

- permission

- possibility

- polite request

I can ski now, I've learnt it.

Can I borrow your umbrella?

You can ski, there is enough snow.

Can you wait a little?


- abilities in the past

- more polite request

I could ski when I was a kid.

Could you come with me?


- requiring or granting permission

May I go out?

No, you may not.


- past tense of may

- more polite request

He said he might come.

Might I use your phone?


- obligation

I must stay in bed, I've got flu.


- moral obligation

- advice

You should meet him, he is your friend.

You should not do this.

Ought to

- obligation or duty (synonym of should)

You ought to finish the book before going on holiday.


- polite request

Would you do me a favour?


- intentionality (the strong will of another person than the subject imposed on the subject)

(I say) you shall finish your studies!


- intentionality (the strong will of the subject imposed on the others)

I will do this if I want to!


- necessity

Why need she stay home for the holidays?


- having the courage to do something

How dare you contradict me?

All the defective modal verbs have besides the proper meaning another one which could be possibility, probability, certainty. The strongest one from this point of view is must (example: He has left an hour ago, so he must be at home now), then there follow shall, will, should, would, can, could, may, might. Might is the most uncertain, improbable (example: I might come with you tomorrow, but I don't think so).

B2. Do the following exercises:

a.     Fill in the blanks with modal verbs:

1. As the others insist on it you they say. 2. You ...go to Predeal, you look very tired. 3. "You ...finish your work before going on holiday". "I know I...". 4. I ...take these pills three times a day. 5. You ...smoke cigars, they will ruin your health. 6. I want to get thinner. What ...I do? You ...see a doctor about it. 7. You ... stop drinking, or else you will get drunk. 8. If you ...kindly wait here, I'll look for him. 9. I expected him to be reasonable, but he ...listened to me.

b.     Rewrite the following sentences beginning with "He said", "He didn't know":

1. What will John do about it? 2. You can go there if you try. 3. May I leave the room now? 4. Will you come to my place tomorrow? 5. I must see him immediately. 6. You needn't do such a bad thing. 7. Can I come with you? 8. You must read this book. 9. You shall go to the university.    10. Must I attend the meeting?

B3. Translate into English:

a. 1. Mai bine ai sta acasa pana te simti mai bine. 2. Trecuse de miezul noptii si am propus sa plecam, dar el nici nu voia sa auda. 3. As prefera sa nu-ti spun ce stiu despre el. 4. Fereastra nu se deschide, trebuie sa o repari. 5. Ar trebui sa te duci la concert, de ce sa-l pierzi? 6. Sa raspund la telefon? 7. Imi pare rau, nu s-ar fi cuvenit sa spun asta. 8. Nu indrazni sa le povesteaca prietenilor intamplarea de teama sa nu rada de el. 9. Trebuie sa ma duc acolo chiar acum? Nu, nu este nevoie. 10. Eram sigura ca prietenul meu nu va avea curajul sa-mi spuna ce gandeste.

b. Stau deseori pe un scaun in carciuma mea preferata, sa beau un pahar de bere si sa citesc ziarul de seara. Abia da cu ochii de mine, cand Tom isi trage scaunul langa al meu si incepe: "Poate am dreptate, sau poate gresesc", spune el, "dar e un lucru pe care trebuie sa-l admit, Elena e sigur cea mai draguta fata din lume!" Rareori ma iarta de povara de a-l asculta. Cateodata imi vine sa-i zic: "Hei, batrane, mai curand mi-as citi ziarul decat sa te ascult", dar de obicei nu ma lasa inima sa-i spun. Imi zic doar mie: "Chiar trebuie sa vorbeasca atat de mult despre ea? De ce uita ca exista o limita a drepturilor prieteniei si ca prietenii nu ar trebui sa devina atat de groaznic de plicticosi? Ar trebui sa existe o lege impotriva acestui lucru. Cat despre mine, daca stau sa il ascult de fiecare data cand ma duc la carciuma, nu-mi ramine decat un singur lucru de facut, sa-mi schimb carciuma. Si apoi nici nu ma intereseaza frumusetea Elenei. Sigur, nu indraznesc sa-i spun toate astea lui Tom.

B4. Translate the following into Romanian:

Daughter:         I'm getting chilled to the bone - what can Freddy be doing all this time? he has been gone twenty minutes.

Mother:            Not so long. But he ought to have got us a cab by this time. We must have a cab. We can't stand here until half past eleven. It's too bad.

D:                       If Freddy had a bit of gumption, he could get us a cab at the theatre door.

M:                      What could he have done, poor boy?

D:                       Other people got cabs. Why couldn't he?

(Freddy rushes in out of the rain).

D:                       Well, haven't you got a cab?

Freddy : There isn't one to be had for love or money.

M:                      Oh, Freddy, there must be one. You can't have tried.

F:                        The rain was so sudden, everybody had to take a cab.

M:                      You really are very helpless, Freddy, go again.

F:                        I'll simply get soaked for nothing.

D:                       And what about us? Are we to stay here all night with next to nothing on?

(George Bernard Show, Pygmalion)

C. Broadcasting is a major industry in most nations, and popular entertainment, news and educational programmes are transmitted directly into people's homes. Because it represents a critical national resource for communicating information and culture, and because the electromagnetic spectrum allows for only a limited number of broadcast stations, virtually all nations regulate their broadcasting within their borders. Many nations operate their broadcasting systems through a ministry of communications. In some countries where it is believed that broadcasting is an independent voice, tax revenues support a public broadcasting authority that is independent of the government. Other countries simply license private broadcasters who make their profits by selling advertising time, or they permit a mixed system of commercial and publicity supported stations.

Mass communication, mass media, either written or electronic, marketing and advertisement, image building, public relations are rules of the game being called "market economy" or "customer-oriented economy", which is, at its turn, part of Western Europe and American capitalist civilisation nowadays. So that we must think of them, we must judge them and analyse them in the context of contemporary societies.

C1. Answer the following questions:

a.     What do you prefer, radio or television? Why? Which are the main features of each of them?

b.     If you had money, what would you found? A radio station or a television station? Which one could bring you more money back? Why?

c.      Which radio programme do you like? What is it about?

d.     Which television programme do you like? Is it for information or entertainment?

e.     Do you think Romanian radio and television programmes can be compared with the ones in foreign countries? Why?

f.      If you were the general director of a new-born television station, how would you explain, at the prompting press conference, the need for a new television? Which would be the target audience?

g.     What kind of programme would you like to be the showman of? Why?

h.     Which do you think is the most informative, radio or television? But the most entertaining? But the most educative?

i.       Do you think at the moment the Romanian legislation is developed enough to allow a free market of radio and television stations, with an open competition? Do you think market is full now or there are certain needs of the people which are not fulfilled?

j.       How much is your life influenced by the boom of information through electronic media?

C2. Read and translate the following text, remember the new words, specific for this field, and comment upon the differences and resemblance between the two media. Compare this description with the one in the previous course, concerning newspapers and magazines. Write an essay about the importance of written and electronic media in the last century.

Radio is everywhere, in the bedrooms, in kitchens, in cars, in offices, on city streets, on beaches, at ball games. It is ubiquitous. There are local radio stations, which operate in cities, towns and villages across the countries, and national radio stations. Programming for stations is provided by networks and by programme syndication companies, the distinction between them being that all stations on a net carry the net programme at the same time, while syndicated programming is carried at different times by different stations. Radio stations speak in two voices. Stations are either AM or FM. AM stands for amplitude modulation, one way of transmitting a radio wave, and FM stands for frequency modulation, another form of transmission. All physical factors being equal, radio signals sent by AM travel farther, especially at night, than signals sent by FM. This is because AM radio waves bounce off a layer of the earth's atmosphere called the ionosphere and back to the ground. AM stations are classified by channels, and there are three possible channels: clear (with a single dominant station that is designed to provide service over a wide area), regional (shared by many stations that serve fairly large areas) and local (shared by large numbers of stations that broadcast only for their local communities). Perhaps the most meaningful way we can organise radio stations is according to their format, a type of consistent programming designed to appeal to a certain segment of the audience. The music format is the largest category and it includes many subdivisions and variations, like adults, contemporary (AC) and contemporary hit radio (CHR). The talk format attracts listeners in the thirty-five-to-sixty-five-years-old age group. Common types of programmes that appear on stations using the talk format are interview shows featuring well-known guests, advice shows, call-in shows. The news format emphasises information. National, regional and local news reports are broadcast periodically throughout the day, with sports, weather, editorials, public affair programmes.

The departmental structure of a radio station varies according to its size. At the top there is a general manager, who coordinates four departments, sales, programmes, news and engineering. The sales department is run by a sales manager, the programme department is headed by a programme director and comprises announcers, production and the music library, in the news department there are newscasters, reporters and writers under the guidance of a news director and in the engineering department the chief engineer conducts the staff engineers and the maintenance personnel. Radio programmes are put together by the station's programme director who lays out the format wheel (or the format clock), which is simply a pie chart of an hour divided into segments representing different programme elements.

Radio stations earn their money by selling advertising time. The amount that a radio station charges for time is included in its rate card. Like the television industry, the radio industry has three different sources of income from the sales of commercial time. The first comes from the sales of spots on network programmes to national advertisers trying to reach a broad market, the second is the sale of time on local stations to advertisers who wish to reach a specific region and the third is advertising purchased by local establishments that want their commercials to be heard only in the immediate community.

In the case of television, people have many choices, from cable to independent stations, from satellite transmissions to superstations. There are commercial television systems, consisting in all those local stations whose income is derived from selling time on their facilities to the advertisers, and noncommercial systems, consisting of those stations whose income is derived from sources other than the sale of advertising time. As for the radio, there are three sources of production and programming, local, syndicated and network. Contractual arrangements take different forms. In a straight cash deal, the station pays a fee for the right to show the programme a specified number of times and retains the rights to sell all the commercial spots available in the programme. In a cash plus barter deal, the station pays a reduced fee for the programme but gives up some commercial spots to the syndication company, which, in turn, sells the spots to the national advertisers. In a straight barter arrangement, no money changes hands but the syndicator keeps more commercial minutes to sell nationally, leaving fewer spots for the local station to sell.

One   important difference between TV stations is a technical one. Some TV stations are licensed to broadcast in the very high frequency (VHF) band of the electromagnetic spectrum, others broadcast in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) part of the spectrum. VHF stations have a signal that covers greater distances than UHF systems.

Regarding the organisation, at the top of the chart is the general manager, the person ultimately responsible for all station activities. The rest of the staff is divided into five different compartments. The sales department is responsible for selling time to local and national advertisers, scheduling ads and sending bills to customers. Maintaining all the technical equipment is the responsibility of the engineering department. The production department puts together locally produced programming, comprising producers, directors, camerapersons, artists and announcers. The news department includes the news director, anchorpeople, reporters and writers responsible for the station's newscasts. The administrative department aids the station manager in running the station. Under this umbrella are included legal counsel, secretarial help, personnel, accounting, and bookkeeping subsidiaries.

Producing television programmes ranges from the incredibly simple - two chairs placed in front of a camera for an interview show - to the incredibly complex - million of dollars and hundred of people. Anyhow, everything functions according to a script, a planning of the story, the work of the reporters who write the copy and of the editors who prepare the videotape segments. One important consideration is audience flow, which is calculated from one period of transmission to the next. Mindful to this, programmers tend to schedule similar programmes back to back so as not to interrupt the flow (for example, when one television series is finished, it is followed by another of the same kind). Another principle could be counterprogramming, airing a programme designed to appeal to a different segment of the audience than those on competing stations (for example transmitting a show for women while the other stations transmit sports for men).

Radio and television have been the most important communication devices this century. Even though radio has somehow decreased because of the prevalence of television and even though there have appeared many other modern and fast means of communication during this century, like videoplayers, Internet, E-mail, people still mostly listen to the radio and watch TV when they want to keep informed with the hottest news, when they desire to be entertained and forget about their daily problems and even when they think they have nothing else to do or are too tired to do something else. We have lived for half a century in a society of radio transmissions, we are now living in a society of television, with Peg Bundy as the most important character. What is going to be next, for the 21st century?

C3. Translate into English and comment upon the following text:

Suscitate de televiziune, controversele asupra efectelor mediilor audiovizuale au continuat sa agite spiritele. Unele persoane au ramas obsedate de teama ca  televiziunea, prin impactul direct si masiv al mesajelor, amalgameaza sistemele de valori si criteriile aprecierilor estetice, ducand la degradarea vietii culturale, iar pe de alta parte, ca aceasta indeplineste mai curand o functie conservatoare, in sensul ca este utilizata de telespectator pentru a-si confirma opiniile si valorile existente mai curand decat pentru a le schimba. Televiziunea, se subliniaza adeseori, are efecte puternice, dar actioneaza preponderent in directia conservarii atitudinilor si valorilor dominante ale sistemului.

C4 .Translate the following text and then summarise it in your own words, paying attention to the succession of stages in the evolution of the electronic media. Do you agree with the sharing? Can you suggest your own sharing?

Historians identify four stages in the evolution of broadcast programming. The first covers the debut of commercial radio in the 1920s. Having no precedents, experiments and entrepreneurs were unsure about what kinds of programmes people would like to hear. Radio attracted thousands of personalities from many fields. Commercials were brief and discrete. The second period is called "the golden age of radio", beginning with 1928. At the time, the airwaves were filled with action and adventure, with vaudeville comedy, and the first entertainers appeared. The third stage of programming lasted from 1945 until the early 1950s, when television began its explosive growth. Unlike that of radio, the debut of television was free from confusion about what constituted effective programming. Television was perceived as "radio with pictures" and the structure of the industry was modelled on those of radio; performers and executives were drawn from radio. At the beginning of the fourth stage, the golden age of television, the reconstituted radio programmes dominated the television ratings. The variety show was the most popular programme, then the action-adventure programmes took over.

C5. Accomplish a table with the best, the most well known radio and television stations in Romania. Use as a model the table of the most famous international broadcasters:

The Voice of America, now with its fifth decade of operation, broadcasts news, editorials, features and music in more than forty languages. The VOA estimates that more than 120 million people in Central and Eastern Europe listen to their programmes

The World Service of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has a worldwide reputation for accurate and impartial newscasts because, at least, it is independent of government ownership. Along with the news, the BBC also carries an impressive line-up of music, drama, comedy, sports and light features,

Deutsche Welle (DW) , "German Wave", broadcasts about 800 hours per week in 26 languages. DW transmitters are located in Germany, Africa and Asia.

D.    Vocabulary practice

D1. Find in the dictionary as many names of professions and trades you know and then make sentences with them. Try to group these jobs in groups so that they should refer to the same group of activities. Describe which part of the field each word covers.

D2. Fill in the blanks:

Motion pictures and . . . are possible because of two. . . of the human perceptional system: the phi phenomenon and the persistence of . . .The phi phenomenon refers to what happens when a person sees one light. . .go out while another one close to the original is illuminated. To our eyes, it looks like the light is actually. . . from one source to another. In persistence of vision, our eyes continue to see an image for a . . . second after the image has actually disappeared from view.

These are the missing words:

quirk, source, television, split, vision, moving

D3. Remember the following words and phrases. Try to make sentences with them, bearing in mind the most suitable contexts for them:

Electronic media: radio, wireless set, tape-recorder, cassette recorder, record player, transistor, walkie-talkie, hi-fi/stereo equipment.

Wave lengths: short, medium, long, ultra-short, VHF.

Activities for radio and television: to broadcast, to be on the air, to turn/switch on/off, to turn down the volume, to listen to, to turn over to another channel.

What is wrong with your TV set? Flashing; hissing; stripes on the screen, it has atmospherics, distortion of the picture, the pictures go blank.

D4. Translate they following sentences, paying attention to the verbs to rise and to raise:

1.     Ultimul congres al partidului de guvernamant si-a inchis sedinta.

2.     Micii intreprinzatori au reusit sa scoata din saracie numeroase familii americane in secolul trecut.

3.     La ultima sedinta, nimeni nu a ridicat nici o pretentie referitoare la data urmatoarei intrevederi.

4.     Pentru a contracta un imprumut, orice firma trebuie sa prezinte o documentatie riguroasa.

5.     Ma tem ca aceasta problema s-a ridicat si in anii precedenti, dar nu a avut nici un ecou.

6.     Si-a facut o multime de dusmani din cauza felului sau arogant de a fi.

7.     Desi se trezeste foarte devreme, intarzie aproape de fiecare data.

8.     Se spune ca marile companii americane au ridicat multi presedinti la putere.

9.     Aceasta persoana reuseste intotdeauna sa se ridice la inaltimea situatiei.

10.  Astazi este tot mai greu sa fii in ton cu moda.

Remember the following phrases:

To rise to the occasion, to rise late, to rise above the prejudices, to rise in the world, to raise somebody to power, to raise somebody from poverty, to raise a question/ an objection/ a claim/ a loan/ money/ capital, to raise up enemies.

Politica de confidentialitate

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Toate documentele au caracter informativ cu scop educational.

Comentarii literare

Amintiri din copilarie de Ion Creanga comentariu
Baltagul - Mihail Sadoveanu - comentariu

Personaje din literatura

Baltagul – caracterizarea personajelor
Caracterizare Alexandru Lapusneanul
Caracterizarea lui Gavilescu
Caracterizarea personajelor negative din basmul

Tehnica si mecanica

Cuplaje - definitii. notatii. exemple. repere istorice.
Actionare macara
Reprezentarea si cotarea filetelor


Criza financiara forteaza grupurile din industria siderurgica sa-si reduca productia si sa amane investitii
Metode de evaluare bazate pe venituri (metode de evaluare financiare)
Indicatori Macroeconomici


Turismul pe terra
Vulcanii Și mediul
Padurile pe terra si industrializarea lemnului

Plan de lectie - adjectivul
Locutiunea adverbiala sau locutiunea conjunctionala \'de cate ori\'
Inventarul alofonelor consonantice
Fonologia. Fonem si trasaturi distinctive. Alofone vocalice si consonantice
Limba engleza - cunostinte minime de baza care trebuiesc insusite
Registrele limbii
Pronumele, adjectivul si adverbul \'cat\'
Infinitiv (The Infinitive)

Termeni si conditii
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